Home Remedies to Treat Dengue Naturally

Do you believe in natural home remedies to treat dengue naturally? Have you ever tried home remedies for your problems? Try using it, if you haven’t used ever. In this article, we are going to talk about home remedies to treat dengue naturally. Dengue fever, otherwise called the ‘breakbone fever’, is a mosquito-borne tropical disease. It is caused by one of the four dengue infections that are transmitted through a mosquito bite. The illness represents by the onset of a sudden high fever and a measles-like rash, trailed by extreme body pain. There is no immunization or any particular medication to treat dengue. It is not to be confused with Dengue hemorrhagic fever, which is an a great deal more serious disease. A few natural cures may be useful in decreasing pain and speeding recuperation of Dengue fever. Persons who have dengue fever should rest, drink a lot of liquids and decrease the fever using paracetamol. You can also read these related articles How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes? and Home Remedies to Treat Malaria Naturally on our website.

Signs and Symptoms:

Home remedies to Treat Dengue


1.) Neem leaves/ Neem Oil to Treat Dengue

Neem leaves are a common treatment for different diseases and dengue fever is no exception here. Soak and boil neem leaves in water and afterwards drink the consequent mix which assists in with increasing both blood platelet count and white platelet count, two of the most dangerous impacts of the dengue infection. While experiencing dengue fever, prepared neem leaves can enhance the resistant framework and return the body’s quality much speedier than whatever other home cures. Neem oil is additionally an incredible filtering operator. It can be connected to a wet warm fabric in measurements of between 15 to 60 ml and kept on the forehead 2-3 times every day.

2.) Drink Water to Prevent Dengue

Because of the unreasonable sweating or bodily exertion leads to dengue fever. Dehydration in excess is common, therefore, to cut down the body temperature and to keep the body hydrated, drink as much water as you can replace dehydration. Drinking a ton of water will likewise ease side effects like cerebral pains and muscle spasms, both of which are after-effects of lack of hydration. Adequate water will flush the body and eliminates excess toxins from the body.

3.) Coriander to Avoid Dengue

Coriander is an another good remedy to treat dengue fever. Coriander is rich in vitamin C and can be taken as a juice to reduce dengue fever. It also helps boost the immune system and help prevent further damage due to dengue fever.

4.) Kakamachi to Get Rid of Dengue

Kakamachi is an effective remedy to treat dengue. It is usually taken in the form of juice or syrup. It also helps combat dengue fever. It has a soothing and cooling effect which helps to eliminate toxins from the body and purifies the blood. A cup of kaka machi is recommended twice a day.

home remedies to treat dengue

5.) Fenugreek Leaves to Cure Dengue

This is another beneficial remedy for dengue. It is very helpful in dealing with the problem of body pain and high fever. The natural components of the leaves are very helpful in treating the weakness and provides relief from high fever. It is also known as methi. Which acts as a sedative to relieve from pain and promotes restful sleep to dengue infected people.

6.) Holy Basil (Tulsi) to Treat Dengue

Tulsi is a preventive measure for dengue. It consists of all the properties that help bring down the fever and boosts immune system. Tulsi contains a kind of salt, which holds our upper layer of the skin and is the reason to perspire. Mosquitoes tend to avoid biting skin, which is perspired.

7.) Orange Juice to Get Rid of Dengue

Oranges are rich in vitamins and antioxidants which help combat the symptoms of fever and helps eliminates the virus from the body. Vitamin C plays an important part in diminishing toxins from the body. You can drink ornage juice or else try eating it raw as it is a great source of high fiber.

8.) Basil Leaves to Prevent Dengue

Basil leaves are also a good remedy to treat dengue. Affected people can chew the basil leaves to boost their immunity and prevents from dengue fever. It can  also be used as a repellent because it consists of insecticidal properties, it works as a preventative strategy and as well as treatment.

9.) Goldenseal to Cure Dengue

Goldenseal is a dried herb, which is used to make medicines. It has all the properties which help clear up the symptoms of dengue fever quickly and helps diminish the virus from the body. It seems like papaya leaves. Use it either by crushing or chewing the leaves or making juice out of it.

10.) Cassia Leaves to Treat Dengue

A papaya leaf has been recently shown a lot of popularity in the medical science and has shown positive results in treating dengue. It helps increase blood platelets. Take some fresh papaya leaves and wash it with saline water. Grind it well in a grinder a make a thin paste of it. Add some sugar for good taste. The syrup might be little bitter in taste. Take this mixture twice a day for better results.

11.) Camphor to Treat Dengue Naturally

Camphor has natural mosquito repelling properties. It is excellent to repel the harmful mosquitoes and save you from the risk of dengue. To try this method, burn a small piece of camphor and place it in your room and around your house to avoid the attack of mosquitoes.

12.) Coconut Water to Get Rid of Dengue Fast

This is one of the beneficial home remedy to treat dengue fast. Coconut water helps get relief from the dengue fever. Coconut water consists of lots of useful minerals that assist in the recovery of the body. It helps in balancing the water level in the body and prevents fatigue to provide relief and comfort. Drink coconut water 2-3 times daily to reduce the other symptoms of dengue and for general health.

13.) Pomegranate Juice to Prevent Dengue Naturally

Pomegranate is one of the best recommended fruit to treat dengue. It helps boost blood platelet counts. Those who do not like the sour taste of the cassia leaves or papaya leaves can consume pomegranate juice that tastes good and works same as of papaya. So include pomegranate consumption during dengue. Drink 2-3 glasses of it during a day to get relieve fast.

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