How to Treat a Corn or Callus?

treat a corn or callus

This article will tell you how to treat a corn or callus. Corns and callus are one of those infections that has been suffered by everyone once. They are only little circles of small dead skin that is thickened and later transforms into a hard skin. But there is a thin line of difference between the formation of corn and callus. Corns are soft patches of skin that is infected which can be removed easily. While callus are the infected area that turns the skin into hard and rough to touch. Generally, it forms due to too much exposure to rubbing of the feet. And sometimes, these kind of infections occur on hands also depending on the same conditions. Also, it happens when one not wears the correct form of shoes. Callus or corns, for the most part, create on the tops and sides of toes, between the toes and soles of the feet. Thereby, we will provide you with several remedies to treat a corn or callus.

Reasons for Formation of Corns and Calluses

  • Not Well Fitted Shoes: Incorrect shoes can put intemperate weight on specific parts of the foot while shoes that are too much free can harm the foot through rehashed grating.
  • Maintaining a Strategic Distance from Socks: Not wearing socks with shoes and shoes made of unpleasant and firm materials make erosion on the delicate skin.
  • Difficult Work: Occupations that require rehashed utilization of hand devices can likewise harm to the skin of the palms. Conveying overwhelming and hard materials likewise build the possibilities of creating calluses and corns.
  • Athletic Events: People who are included in extraordinary games exercises and competitors can create corns in light of the fact that these exercises put inordinate weight on the hands and feet.
  • Unusual Bone Structure: The feet of a few individuals have hard developments because of the unpredictable structure of the foot. Steady weight and contact on these uncovered portions of the skin can form into corns.

Signs of Corns and Callus

  • Hard and rough areas on the skin.
  • Thick and elevated bumps of the skin.
  • Waxy skin
  • Tenderness around the skin


Remedies to Treat a Corn or Callus


1.) Scrubbing to Treat a Corn or Callus

Utilizing a foot document or pumice stone you can rub the calluses away. Utilize the document after you have immersed your feet or toward the end of a shower when your feet have been mellowed by the warm water. Rub your feet with a lively, indirect movements. In the event that you have an overwhelming development of calluses, flush your feet frequently by soaking them once again into the water. Likewise, wash the pumice stone to get it wet again and evacuate the dead skin. Work until the skin turns pink for best results.

2.) Drying to Treat a Corn or Callus

Dry the affected area completely. It is imperative that you don’t permit this region to stay clammy. Utilize a towel to evacuate all moisture. Sprinkle sufficient amount of foot powder on the affected area. This will guarantee that the infected area stays dry. It will likewise prevent diseases.

3.) Lemon Juice to Treat a Corn or Callus

With regards to common healthy skin, there is not at all like lemon. Crude lemon juice is an astonishing bleach which offers in helping some assistance with sun tanning, flaws, dull spots, and skin breaks out scars successfully. What you need to do is just rub freshly cut lemon on the affected area and leave it the whole night and wash it in the morning. The citrus extract in lemon juice diminishes the hard upper layer of the corns and calluses. Try to follow this process for thrice a week to get effective result.

4.) Baking Soda to Treat a Corn or Callus

This solution of baking soda and water is really proving to be helpful. What you need to do is take some luke warm water in a bucket and add five tablespoons of baking soda in it. Then dip your legs at least for 20 minutes. Therefore, by soaking in warm water the corn or callus skin turns soft. And you can easily get rid of the hard layer of dead skin cells that cover the corn. The intense antibacterial and anti-fungal properties of baking soda cures many types of skin diseases.

5.) White Vinegar to Treat a Corn or Callus

White vinegar is broadly utilized as a part of different nourishment formulas. It is likewise a helpful solution to cure corn and calluses on account of its high acidity level. The acidic way of vinegar relaxes the dry-hard skin of the corns and calluses. Moreover, the antibacterial and anti-fungal properties of white vinegar diminish the possibilities of diseases. What you need to do just dip your leg in water and vinegar solution for at least 20 minutes.

6.) Castor Oil to Treat a Corn or Callus

Immaculate cool squeezed castor oil is generally incorporated into a custom made tips for hair development. And is additionally compelling in creating thicker eyelashes and eyebrows. Castor oil is additionally a standout among the most useful home solutions for foot corn since it saturates the dry, thick and hard skin of the corns and calluses. It radically decreases the size of the infected area. It is a reasonable cure that is promptly accessible in drug stores.

7.) Onions to Treat a Corn or Callus

The capable antibacterial properties of onions make it one of the best home solutions for foot calluses. Because the onion not only helps to separate the dry and hard skin, but additionally lower with the danger of contamination. Moreover, it additionally decreases the soreness, torment and uneasiness that may happen around the corn on the toe. Cut a wedge of onion and spot it in a glass dish, pour vinegar over it and keep it in a warm place for the duration of the day. Before you go to rest take this onion cut, put it on the corn and secure it with a swathe or tape. Repeat this treatment exceptionally at night till the corn is evacuated.

8.) Turmeric to Treat a Corn or Callus

The medicinal properties of turmeric are various, and it has been utilized for a very long time to treat different well being issues and skin illnesses. It is additionally an intense common solution to treat your foot infected with a corns and callus. Firstly heat up some amount of mustard oil in a holder. And add 1 to 2 teaspoon of turmeric glue to it with the goal that it shapes a thick glue. Continue mixing the glue for a couple of minutes and after that expel from the fire. Apply the glue to the corn when it is fairly hot, wrap it with a gauze and leave it for the overnight. The following morning wash up the region with warm water. Repeat the treatment consistently till the corn vanishes. Utilize an old bed sheet when you utilize this cure in light of the fact that turmeric can stain the bed sheet.

9.) Turpentine to Remove a Corn

The antiseptic properties of turpentine oil will help you to cure a corn. This oil penetrates deep into the skin and hence it heals fast. Follow the steps given below to get best results.

  • Wrap some ice cubes in a cloth.
  • Press the cloth gently against the corn.
  • Pat dry your skin and massage some turpentine oil on the corn.
  • Cover the corn with a bandage and leave it overnight.
  • Repeat this daily before going to bed.

Method 2

  • Mix one tablespoon of turpentine oil in warm and melted one fourth cup of virgin coconut oil.
  • Allow two tablespoons of camphor oil and leave the mixture to cool down.
  • Submerge your feet in this warm water for a few minutes.
  • Pat your skin dry and then apply this newly prepared liquid.
  • You can store rest of the liquid in an air tight jar.
  • Repeat this remedy 2 to 3 times a day to treat a corn completely.

10.) Garlic to Treat a Corn

The antioxidant properties in garlic helps in treating corns. It also contains anti-fungal and antibacterial properties that prevents infection from spreading. Follow the steps given below to remove a corn completely.

Method 1

  • Cut a garlic clove and rub it over the corn.
  • Leave the skin to dry and then cover it with a bandage.
  • Next morning, rinse off your feet with warm water.
  • Repeat this every night until the corn disappears completely.

Method 2

  • Crush 2 to 3 pieces of garlic to make a paste.
  • Mix a pinch of salt and apply it on your corn.
  • Cover it with a bandage and leave it for three days.
  • When you remove the bandage on the third day, the corn will come out of it.

Method 3

  • Crush two garlic cloves to make a paste.
  • Mix a little amount of vinegar and apply it on the corn.
  • Place a cotton ball on it and cover it with tape.
  • Leave it for 3 hours and then remove the tape.
  • Repeat the remedy daily for several weeks.

11.) Papaya to Get Rid of Corns or Callus

This is one of the most easiest and effective remedies for removing food corns. The enzymes in papaya removes the hard skin and the dead skin cells. It eases down the pain and discomfort caused by corn and helps the corn to fall off fast. Follow the steps given below to remove corns or callus.

  • Mash a small piece of papaya and extract its juice.
  • Dip a cotton ball in this juice and apply it on the corn.
  • Leave it for 8 to 10 hours.
  • Now, gently use a pumice stone to exfoliate the skin.
  • Do this daily until you get rid results.

12.) Salicylic Acid to Treat a Corn or Callus

The salicylic acid breaks the bond between the skin cells that have collected at the area of the corn or callus. It increases the moisture in that particular area due to which the corn dissolves. Follow the steps given below to get rid of corns.

  • Submerge the affected area in warm water for atleast 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Pat the area dry and gently rub  a pumice stone to remove the dead cells of the skin.
  • Apply salicylic acid on the corn and leave it for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Wash the area with clean water.
  • Repeat this remedy twice a day for several weeks.

13.) Pineapple to Cure Corns and Callus

Pineapple peel is one of the best remedies to treat corns and callus. The peels of pineapple contains enzymes that helps to soften the corn and makes them fall off. Follow the steps given below to see the effective results.

  • Rub the inside of papaya peel on the affected area.
  • Cover it with bandage and wear the socks.
  • Leave it for 8 to 10 hours.
  • Wash the area and massage some coconut oil on  it.
  • Repeat the process for one week to get rid of corns.

14.) Oatmeal Soak to Treat Corn

Oatmeal is one of the excellent exfoliating agent that helps to get rid of corns and callus. It soothes the pain and reduces the discomfort caused by corns. Follow the steps given below to treat corns.

  • Boil a pot of water and soak oatmeal in it for about 5 minutes.
  • Strain the water and apply the boiled meal on the affected area.
  • After 10 to 15 minutes, wash it off with water.
  • Repeat this two times a day to treat corns.

15.) Vitamin E Oil to Cure Corns and Callus

Vitamin E oil moisturizes the skin and makes the corns softer due to which it falls off. The presence of antioxidants in vitamin E oil speeds up the healing process. The combination of vitamin E oil and olive oil is superb as olive oil makes the skin more permeable. It holds the moisture into the skin and makes it soft. Follow the steps given below to get rid of corns and callus.

  • Mix equal amounts of vitamin E oil and olive oil.
  • Wash your feet and soak it in warm water.
  • Massage this mixture on your corn for a few minutes.
  • Wear socks and go to sleep.
  • Repeat this remedy every night until you get rid of corns.

16.) Bread to Treat Corns and Callus

The vinegar in the bread softens the corns and they come out easily. All you need to do is soak a bread in vinegar and place it one the affected area. Cover it with a plastic wrap and leave it for 8 to 10 hours. Do this daily to get rid of corns and callus completely.

17.) Coconut Oil to Get Rid of Corns and Callus

This is one of the safest and best remedies to get rid of corns and callus. This is a wonderful skin mositurizer and makes the skin soft and supple. When you use coconut oil it becomes easy to remove the corn with a pumice stone. Massage some coconut oil on the corn. Do this thrice a day until you get rid of corn completely.

18.) Epsom Salt to Treat Corns and Callus

The antibacterial properties of Epsom salt prevents infection. It is a natural exfoliater and removes the dead skin cells. It relieves pain and soothes the skin. All you need to do is mix epsom salt in warm water. Submerge your feet in this water for about 15 to 20 minutes. Once the skin becomes soft, use a pumice stone to remove the dead layers of the skin.

Additional Tips for Corns

  • Don’t walk barefoot and wear flip flop sandals.
  • Wash your feet and hands with water every time you come from outside.
  • Use good moisturizing agents like cocoa butter and olive oil to dry corns.
  • Do not shave corns because it cause infection.
  • Soak your feet in Epsom salt to reduce the discomfort caused by corns.
  • Cover the corn with bandage to reduce the pressure on the skin.
  • Wear comfortable and fitted clothes with extra padding.
  • Don’t wear high heels if you are prone to getting corns.



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