How to Prevent Stretch Marks? – Avoid Stretch Marks

After writing, how to get rid of skin tags?, how to get rid of moles?, and how to get rid of pimple marks?, we are now writing the best ways to prevent stretch marks or avoid stretch marks formation. Well, having stretch marks is a very common problem that almost every women and men face this problem. Stretch marks are streaks, strips or lines on the skin, it happens on hips, breasts, flank, butt, thighs and especially on the abdomen.

Stretch marks are extremely common and anyone can avoid stretch marks easily. There are so many ways you can follow to prevent stretch marks from forming. They are the result of sudden stretching of skin, stretch marks happens due to rapid changes in body, rapid weight gain or weight loss. Containing skin creams and ointments such as hydro cortisone for more than a few weeks.

What Causes Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks can occur during the pregnancy, puberty, rapid weight gain and weight loss, weightlifting and numerous medical conditions. Most of the  women can get them during pregnancy and most of the men can get them during weightlifting or bodybuilding. Although they tend to affect women more than men, stretch marks are distinguished by linear, smooth bands on the skin that depending on skin color.

It can appear as red, white or purple that fade over time to leave silvery pale marks. Although the skin is usually fairly elastic when it’s over stretched the normal production of collagen (it is protein that produce connective tissues in our skin) is disrupted  as a result. Scars called stretch marks may form. Mostly guys get stretch marks on their shoulder or chest and mostly girls get stretch marks on the abdomen and hips. Read more, to find out about stretch marks and how to avoid stretch marks.

Best Ways to Prevent Stretch Marks – Avoid Stretch Marks:


1.) Use The Gelatin

It is an amazing substance used to prevent stretch marks. It helps in collagen formation in the body that improves the elasticity of the skin. To increase the skin collagen formation, just start eating gelatin by adding it in your diet. You may also use gelatin powder and drink it plain in the morning on a regular basis. You can even add it while boiling rice as it gives great flavor to it. Further, use it to cook soups, gravies, sauces and casseroles. So, add it in your diet to prevent stretch marks.

2.) Apply The Coconut Oil

Use coconut oil lotion to nourish your belly, especially at the time of pregnancy to prevent stretch marks. It contains saturated fatty acids that can’t be oxidized easily. Due to this property, they don’t cause any harmful free radical damage. In the U.S, people usually use polyunsaturated fatty acids, which can be easily oxidized and cause a major free radical damage in the skin.

So, apply coconut oil after taking a shower to experience the best results. You may even apply the mixture of coconut oil and beeswax to avoid stretch marks. It helps in keeping the coconut oil on the surface of the skin before it can get absorbed into the skin.

3.) Use The Castor Oil

Pregnant women are recommended to use castor oil to prevent stretch marks. It is one of the best ways to reduce fine lines, spots, blemishes, and wrinkles. It works as the best moisturizer that helps in retaining the moisture of the skin. To use this remedy, apply a thick layer of castor oil on your skin. Now, wrap that area with the help of plastic wrap. Put a heating pad or hot water bottle for at least twenty minutes. Repeat this process regularly. If you want to use thin castor oil, then mix it up with two tablespoons of sweet almond oil.

4.) Take Help From Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that protects the collagen fibers from further damage, due to the presence of free radicals in it. Vitamin E promotes elasticity and also keeps the collagen fibers strong. Add vitamin E in your diet to get the complete benefit. Just eat foods high in vitamin E like almonds, sunflower seeds, pumpkins, spinach etc. You can even take vitamin E oral supplements and may also apply vitamin E oil or cream on your skin to prevent stretch marks. Read article on foods high in vitamin E.

5.) Have The Vitamin C

The collagen is formed by using vitamin C from our body. It is a very effective nutrient used to reduce free radical damage. It is better to get vitamin C nutrient from food instead of any type of supplement. The foods that contain vitamin C are green and red bell peppers, kale, guava, parsley greens, turnips, and broccoli. Read article on foods high in vitamin C.

6.) Apply The Glycerin

Use glycerin (some sort of lotion) for avoid stretch marks and fade old stretch marks. The more you will moisturize your skin, it will help you to remove your stretch marks effectively. Try to make it your habit to glycerin your body on a regular basis. It will help you to make your body softer and smoother. Which helps in preventing less stretch in your skin. Any sort of lotion, moisturizer and glycerin helps you to remove your stretch marks. Try to apply it daily for softer and stretch free skin.

How to Prevent Stretch Marks Avoid Stretch Marks

7.) Use The Coffee Beans

Take some coffee beans, grind them with warm water and aloe vera gel. After making the fine paste of these ingredients, apply it on stretch marks for removing them. Do massage through this paste at least for 15-20 minutes. Then wash it off through water. Don’t forget to apply olive oil on your skin for moisturize your skin. Apply this remedy at least for 1 month regularly for best results.

8.) Apply The Vaseline

Vaseline is a cream, which not only helps you in winters it is also known as the best and simplest remedy to avoid stretch marks. Use Vaseline on affected area for removing stretch marks from your body. You can use Vaseline for stretch marks removal during pregnancy also. Anyone one can apply it very easily.  Try to use it regularly for better results.

9.) Start Consuming Zinc

The deficiency of zinc is one of the reasons, why we get stretch marks. Zinc contains antioxidant properties and it is one of the natural trace mineral used to produce collagen in our body. We can get zinc from chicken, lamb, beef, eggs, nuts, whole grains and legumes. So, consume zinc to prevent stretch marks. Read article on foods high in zinc.

10.) Shea Butter and Cocoa Butter

They are the best emollients that provide the soothing effect on our skin and avoid stretch marks. They keep our skin moist and hydrated all the time. If we talk about cocoa butter, then it is a natural fat that is extracted from the cocoa bean. Shea butter is produced from the nut of the Karite tree. They both are most effective fatty acids, that works by stimulating the renewal process of our skin. Hence, they are the best remedies to prevent stretch marks on our body.

11.) Apply The Olive Oil

Olive oil is the best home remedy it contains four major antioxidants, which helps in a cleanser, moisturizer and in protection of skin not only for hairs also for stretch marks. Olive oil helps in reducing stretch marks. Apply warm olive oil on affected area and after some time wash off with water. Or add vitamin E or vitamin E capsules in olive oil and rub it gently for effective results.

12.) Use The Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is one the best home remedy and easy to use cure and avoid stretch marks. Divide a lemon into 2 pieces and then take a half piece of lemon and rub it gently on stretch marks and then wash off with warm water. Lemon is one of the most well known remedy for stretch marks removal. It helps in the growth of cells and blood vessels to maintain the strength of skin. Lemon also helps as a remedy for tanning.

13.) Apply The Egg White

White egg helps in reducing stretch marks as they contain rich proteins and amino acid. Extract the white portion of 2 to 3 eggs and apply it through the help of brush on the affected area after cleaning it with water. And when it will get dry completely wash it off through the cold water.  After that, apply olive oil for moisturizing the skin. Continue the process daily at least for 2 to 3 weeks.

14.) Scrub With Sugar

Sugar is the best home remedy to treat and avoid stretch marks. Take 1 tsp of sugar. Now add a few drops of lemon juice and almond oil. Stir it well and apply it on stretch marks. Rub it slightly for 10 to 15 minutes. Then take a shower. Use it at-least for 1 month for better results.

15.) Apply The Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera is the best home remedy for hair and skin not only for face. It also helps in removing older stretch marks. Apply the gel of the natural Aloe Vera leaf or apply aloe Vera directly on affected area. After a few minutes, wash it with lukewarm water. Use it at least one month regularly for effective results.

16.) Use The Potato Juice

Cut thick slice of a medium sized potato and rub it gently on stretch marks for a few minutes. When the potato juice gets dried rinsed it off with the lukewarm water. Potato juice is the best home remedy for skin. It contains rich minerals and vitamins and it also helps in growing the skin cells.

17.) Make The Apricots Paste

Take 2-3 apricots, cut them and remove their seeds and grind them to form a paste. Then apply it on affected place. After 20 minutes, wash it with lukewarm water. Follow this remedy regularly and get the best results.

18.) Use The Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is the best home remedy it is effective for all types of skin problems. Tea tree oil contains antibiotic, anti- viral and inflammatory properties. It helps in removing stretch, marks rub/massage tea tree oil gently on affected area for best results.

19.) Lavender Oil, Almond Oil And Chamomile Oil

Prepare a mixture of lavender, almond and chamomile oil. Mix two teaspoons of almond oil, mix half teaspoon of lavender and mix half teaspoon of chamomile oil. Stir it well and apply it on stretch marks. Lavender, almond and chamomile oil contains rich vitamins. Which helps in removing the stretch marks effectively and faster.

20.) Use The Bio-oil

Bio-oil is the most effective oil to avoid and prevent stretch marks. It helps in fading and removing the stretch marks of your body. Bio-oil is easier to use and you can apply it during pregnancy as well. It is an effective remedy to remove stretch marks during pregnancy.

21.) Keep Yourself Hydrated

Start drinking a proper amount of water. It will help to keep your skin hydrated for a long time. It maintains the elasticity of your skin while making the layers of your skin less prone to get rupture. Drink at least 2 liters of water every day to remain healthy.

Drinking water helps a lot not only in losing weight and for clearing stomach. It also helps to prevent various problems related to the skin like acne and stretch marks. Water is the easiest and effective remedy for stretch marks, which helps to heal the stretch marks quickly. Drink at least 10-12 glass of water daily to make your skin soft and hydrated.

22.) Stop Gaining and Reducing Weight Rapidly

Don’t try to lose more than one pound in a week. No matter, how much you work out and put extra efforts to lose more weight. It is just going to create a problem for you, as rapid weight loss may lead to the formation of stretch marks on your skin. Same applies to the rapid weight gain.

Even, muscle building can lead to the development of stretch marks on our body, due to the extra stretching of muscles while lifting heavy weight. So, be aware while lifting the heavy weight. Don’t give over stress on your body in the first attempt. Try to increase the weight slowly with the passage of workout time. Hence, keep this solution in your mind to prevent stretch marks.

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