Home Remedies to Treat Malaria Naturally at Home

After writing, home remedies for chikungunya, how to get rid of of mosquitoes?, and home remedies for treat dengue, we are now writing the home remedies to treat malaria naturally at home. Malaria is a very common but serious disease caused by a mosquito bite. Malaria is marked by fever and chills in the body. It can further lead to problems like dysentery, anemia and kidney failure. Basically, there are three types of malaria – Quartan Fever, Malignant Tertian Malaria and Tertian. It is necessary to treat malaria properly. In this article we are giving best home remedies to treat malaria naturally at home. There are anti-malaria medications also available in the market, but you can use home remedies treatment at home as well. You are surrounded with the ingredients that will help you make the remedies that are used to treat malaria.

Symptoms of Malaria:

You can also mistake malaria with other diseases like flu and fever. Here are the symptoms that will help you recognize malaria:

  • Anemia – Anemia is a symptom of malaria as the red blood cells are destroyed.
  • Fever – Your body temperature rises and you get hit by fever.
  • Chill – Fever is followed by chills.
  • Headache – Your head aches.
  • Blood in Stool – One can notice blood in stool.
  • Sweating – One sweats excessively.
  • Vomiting – It can also cause vomiting.
  • Nausea – One feel nauseous.
  • Jaundice – Extreme condition can cause jaundice.
  • Coma – When the condition becomes worse, it leads to the stage of coma.

Home Remedies to Treat Malaria Naturally at Home:


What can be better than the home remedies to treat malaria at home. Here are some home remedies that are used to get rid of malaria faster and naturally.

1.) Drink Some Orange Juice

Orange juice is among the best home remedies to treat malaria naturally. It is always advised to take care of the diet during malaria as your red blood cells are affected and you need a better immune system to sustain. What you can do is fast on water or orange juice for the first few days of the disease. Juice is easily digestible and also provide essential minerals to the body. Fasting on the juice depends on the severity of the disease. You can also add milk to the diet.

2.) Grapefruit Will Help

Grapefruit is one of the most effective home remedies to treat malaria naturally and fast. It is always said to look after the eating habits when it comes at treating any disease. Same is the case with malaria. One should always pay special attention to the quality of food one has while he is ill. There is always some specified food for any particular disease and for malaria, it is grapefruit. What you have to do is have one grapefruit daily or you can also take the essential vitamins from it by boiling it and straining the pulp. Just have it daily and you get rid of malaria fast.

3.) Take Help From Cinnamon

Cinnamon is among the most valuable home remedy to treat malaria malaria. You just have to prepare a tea using cinnamon powder, that is to be consumed daily, and you treat your malaria well. What you can do is:

  • Take a glass of water and boil it for some time. Now put a teaspoon of cinnamon powder to it and steep it for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, strain the tea in a cup.
  • Now, you can also add a teaspoon of honey to it. Have this tea on a daily basis and the malaria will be cured.

4.) Use The Fever Nuts

Fever nuts are also among the most fantastic remedies to treat malaria. What you have to do is consume 6 grams of fevers nut and you get rid of malaria. You have to make a procedure by assuming the time of the attack. Just take 6 grams of fever nuts with a glass of water. Now, repeat the process an hour after the attack. Just keep repeating, no matter if the attacks take place or not. These nuts are easily available at your local stores.

5.) Chirayata Will Help

Chirayata is among the most successful remedies to treat malaria. But, what is Chiryata? Chiryata is a herb that is called Swertia and Rogra Phispaniculata. It is much effective at treating the fever of the malaria. You just have to prepare a solution with it.

  • Take a glass of water and boil it. Now add 15 grams of Chiryata and 2 cloves to it. Also add a cinnamon stick to it and boil it for some time.
  • When it has completely boiled, strain the solution. This solution is to be taken twice a day on a daily basis.

Home Remedies to Treat Malaria

6.) Use The Alum Effectively

Alum is also among the best home remedies to treat malaria naturally. It is also one of the most under-rated remedies that are used to cure malaria. It is a very effective one and provides great help at treating malaria. What you need to do is make a powder of alum. Before making the powder, it is necessary to roast it well. When it is finely roasted make the powder to consume. Have two teaspoons of alum powder four hours before the expected four hours attacks and 2 hours after the fever attack. Do it on a daily basis and you get rid of malaria.

7.) Lime and Lemon Power

Lime and lemon together work great at treating he malaria well. What it does is it fights off the fever of the malaria well and help you avoid it easily. What you have to do is make a solution using the both, and drink it before the onset of the malaria fever. To prepare a solution.

  • Take a glass of water and add a few drops of lime juice and the juice of a whole lemon to it.
  • Mix it well and drink. Have this solution in a daily basis to see the positive results.

8.) Make Use of Basil

Basil is great at treating many problems. It is equally important to treat malaria as well. What you need to do is tale 11 grams of basil leaves and 3 grams of black pepper. First, make the paste using the basil leaves. Once the paste is ready, add some pepper to it and mix it well. When you have prepared it completely, have it before the attacks of malaria. Do it on a daily basis and you get rid of malaria.

9.) Fenugreek Seeds Will Help

Fenugreek seeds are rich in contents that help get rid of malaria well. Malaria causes weakness that can be treated with fenugreeks. It boosts your immune system and allow you body to fight off the symptoms of malaria naturally at home. It is also great at combating the parasites. Thus, increase the consumption of fenugreek seeds to overcome malaria.

10.) Have The Cold Packs

You can also go for cold packs to treat malaria naturally. This is one of the most effective and old methods used to lower down the temperature of the body during a fever. You have to wrap your hand and legs with and cover using a warm sheet. Also cover your body as well. This is should be done for an hour foe best results.

11.) Have Some Ginger

This is one of the most natural home remedies to get rid of malaria fever. The active components present in ginger such as gingerol is known for its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Ginger also gives instant relief from the pain caused due to malaria fever. It also helps to get rid of nausea. Follow the instructions given below to treat malaria fever completely.

  • Cut a piece of ginger in small pieces. In 2 cups of water, boil these ginger pieces for a few minutes. Strain the solution and leave it to cool down a little.
  • Add a little amount of honey for taste. Drink one cup of this ginger tea daily to cure malaria fever.

12.) Datura to Cure Malaria Fever

This Indian herb is very beneficial for treating fever. The leaves of this herb are used in the treatment of tertian type of malaria. Follow the instructions given below to get rid of malaria fever.

  • Take atleast 2 fresh sprouted datura leaves. Rub them with 2 teaspoons of jaggery to convert them into a pill.
  • Consume this mixture atleast 2 hours before the onset of malaria attack. Eat this mixture on a daily basis to cure malaria fever.

13.) Use The Turmeric

This is one of the best home remedies to treat malaria fever naturally. The antioxidant and antimicrobial properties present in turmeric helps to clean the toxins from the body that are build up due to the plasmodium infection. It kills the parasite that is responsible for malaria fever. The anti-inflammatory properties also help to get rid of malaria symptoms such as aches and joint pain. Follow the instructions given below to treat malaria fever.

  • Take a glass of warm milk. Mix one teaspoon of turmeric in it.
  • Drink this milk on a regular basis. Drink this turmeric milk every night to cure malaria fever completely.

14.) Have Apple Cider Vinegar

This is one of the most natural remedies to get rid of malaria fever completely. It is a traditional remedy to reduce malaria fever. Follow the instructions given below to get rid of malaria fever completely.

  • Take 2 to 3 glasses of water. Mix half cup of apple cider vinegar in it. Soak a soft cloth in the water. 
  • Keep this cloth on the calves for about 10 to 15 minutes. Repeat this treatment during the fever stages of malaria.

15.) Mustard Seed Oil

This is one of the best remedies to get rid of malaria fever completely. This oil from the black mustard seeds has some ant malarial activity in it. It is an amazing supplement to the malaria medicines. All you need to do is incorporate mustard seed oil in your daily cooking. You can even add one teaspoon of the mustard seed oil in your smoothie. Mustard seed oil strengthens the body and helps the body to fight infection in a better way. It is a wonderful remedy for malaria fever.

16.) Malaria Diet

Healthy eating plays an important role in the treatment of malaria. Doctors recommend that once the malaria fever is reduced the patient should take an exclusive diet that includes fresh fruits and milk. It is necessary for the patients to follow a balanced diet that includes raw vegetables and fresh fruits. Don’t eat food items that contain a lot of butter or oil. Avoid eating spicy foods. Junk food and oily food can worsen your condition. Try to eat fruits such as apple, banana, guava and grapes for a fast recovery from malaria.

17.) Consume Primaquine

Even when the malaria fever is gone completely, it can relapse anytime. The relapse often happen without noticeable symptoms but you may sometimes feel flu symptoms during the relapse. You need to be very careful and prevent the infection from returning. Primaquine is an anti malarial that is often taken after other drugs that are used for reducing malaria fever. Follow the instructions given below to take primaquine.

  • Once you recover from malaria start taking primaquine. Take after 2 weeks of recovery.
  • Follow the instructions of your doctor and don’t increase or decrease the dosage by yourself. Follow the prescribed schedule only.

18.) Coriander Water

The anti-inflammatory properties present in coriander helps to reduce the heat inside the body. It is an amazing remedy to bring down the temperature of the body. Coriander water helps to cure the fever and cold that is caused because of malaria.Take 500ml of water in a pan. Add 10 grams of fresh coriander leaves. Boil this water for a few minutes. Strain the liquid and cool down it a little. Drink this water on a regular basis for faster recovery.

19.) Use The Giloy

This is one of the best herbal remedies to get rid of malaria fever. This Ayurvedic herb contains a lot of antioxidants that helps the body to fight diseases that are responsible for causing free radicals. Giloy increases the hemoglobin, blood platelets and strengthens the body. It helps the body to fight the infection and kill the parasites that cause malaria. All you need to do is consume 5 to 10ml of giloy juice every day to get rid of malaria fever completely.

20.) Bark to Treat Malaria

This is one of the most effective herbal remedies to treat malaria. The bark of saptparna tree is used in traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine. It has been used to treat many health problems such as headache, pneumonia, influenza, bronchitis and malaria. The alkaloids from this bark and leave contain some active ingredients that help to cure these diseases. Follow the instructions given below to treat malaria.

  • Take a pan of water. Add some saptparna leaves to this water.
  • Boil this water for a couple of minutes. Let it cool down for a few minutes.
  • Drink this kadha every day to cure malaria completely.

Other Useful Tips to Prevent Malaria:

  • Make sure your surroundings are clean. Make sure your home is clean, dry and hygienic. To clean your house, use disinfectants such as dettol and phenyl.
  • Drink only clean and distilled water especially when you are travelling.
  • Use mosquito coils and mosquito repellents when you go to sleep. You can even sleep in a mosquito net to avoid mosquito bite.
  • Wear long sleeves clothes especially when going out to prevent mosquito bites. Try to wear full length pants to avoid mosquito bites.
  • Don’t allow water to collect somewhere as it can become a breeding ground for the mosquitoes. Stagnate water reproduces and multiplies mosquito which are responsible for spreading malaria fever.
  • Spray mosquito repellent or other chemicals on water bodies to keep the mosquito population in control.
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