Baking Soda For Eye Bags and Dark Circles Under Eyes

After writing, how to get rid of dark circles under the eyes?, how to get rid of eye bags?, and how to treat puffy eyes?, we are now writing baking soda for eye bags and dark circles under eyes. Most of the people usually have a box of baking soda in their home. Many Americans keep baking soda for different uses. They usually keep one box in their pantry for baking, one in their refrigerator to prevent odors and also under their kitchen sink for cleaning purpose. But, these are not the only roles that baking soda can play. It can be used for many health purposes as well. After reading this article, you might want to keep a box of baking soda in your medicine cabinet too.

Baking soda is one of the most exploited ingredients for different purposes. It helps in many health ailments either internal or external. It includes condition related to skin, acne, digestion, complexion, yellow teeth, burns, cuts, splinterbruises and many other body ailments. Baking soda to reduce dark circles and bags under eyes is one other example. Now a days most of the people are facing the issue related to the eyes. Such eye related problem include dark circles and bags under eyes.

The dark circle of an eye is a common condition in which the color around the eye get dark and seems tired and dull. Whereas Bags under eyes is a condition in which the lower part of the eye appears to be swollen and puffy, making the skin under eye baggy. Below we have listed some of the most common causes and symptoms responsible for dark circles and puffy eyes. Plus, we have also mentioned different ways to use baking soda to reduce dark circles and bags under eyes. Such eye conditions are very easy to treat with simple home remedies using baking soda and other natural ingredients. Here are some of the ways to use baking soda for eye bags and dark circles under eyes.

Baking Soda For Eye Bags and Dark Circles Under Eyes Naturally


1.) Baking Soda For Eye Bags and Dark Circles Under Eyes

Itchiness is one of the most common eye problems. Such itchiness can make skin lose around the eye due to frequent rubbing. So, if your eyes are causing itchiness, baking soda can help get rid of itchy eyes and bags under eyes. Here is how to do it.

  • Take some baking soda and water and mix it well to make a fine paste. Apply this paste under your eyes to help relieve itching.
  • You can even try rubbing the dry powder onto the skin under your eye. This remedy is also useful for itchy rashes and poison ivy.

2.) Exfoliate With Baking Soda

The discoloration of skin under your eye can easily be removed by baking soda. Baking soda is known to have exfoliating properties which can help even the color of your under eye skin effectively.

  • Take 3 tbsp of baking soda and mix it in warm water. Soak a cotton ball in it and dab the skin under your eye for a few minutes. You can scrub the area gently with a baking soda for additional exfoliation.
  • Also, a paste made with 3 parts of baking soda mixed with 1 part water can be used as an exfoliator for the face and body as well. It’s natural, inexpensive and gentle enough to use daily.

3.) Baking Soda to Reduce Dark Circles and Bags Under Eyes Caused due to Tiredness

Baking soda along with apple cider vinegar make an excellent combination to provide relief to your tired eyes. As tiredness is one of the causes which contribute to dark circles and puffy eyes, It is best to give your eyes a relaxation treatment through this combination.

  • Take sufficient amount of baking soda and apple cider vinegar. Mix them well to make a fine paste. Apply this paste under eyes and leave for several minutes. Rinse off later with water.
  • Alternatively, take 1 part of baking soda and 2 parts of apple cider vinegar. Mix both well will a glass of water. Soak a cotton ball in this mixture and dab the affected area with it for a few minutes. Later, swipe off the area with another cotton ball.

4.) Baking Soda For Sun Exposure

Another cause for puffiness of dark circle under eye is too much exposure to sunlight. Over exposure to sunlight makes the overall skin dark. It also affects the eyesight. To treat this problem, here is the method.

  • Simply, take half cup of baking soda and add to lukewarm water. Soak a cotton ball in the solution. Dab the area with the soaked cotton ball for several minutes.
  • Allow the area to get dry by itself instead of toweling. Alternatively, you can take a mixture of baking soda and water and it to a cool compress. Apply the cold compress to the affected area directly for relief.

Other Ways to Reduce Dark Circles and Bags Under Eyes Naturally

Apart from baking soda to reduce dark circles and bags under eyes, there are many other effective ingredients as well that can be helpful in treating different eye related problems.

1.) Use The Cucumber

Cucumbers are known to have skin-lightening and mild astringent properties. It helps get rid of those raccoon eyes fast and naturally. Plus, cucumber gives a soothing and refreshing effect to the skin.


  • Take a fresh cucumber and cut it into thick slices. Refrigerate them for about 30 minutes. Then, place these chilled slices onto the eye area for around 10 minutes.
  • Later, rinse the eyes with water. Continue this remedy 2 times daily for at least a week or until condition improves.
  • Alternatively, you can take some cucumber juice and mix with lemon juice in the same amounts. Using a cotton ball, apply the mixture to the affected area. Allow it to sit for about 15 minutes. Finally, rinse it off with water. Repeat this remedy once daily for at least a week.

2.) Apply The Almond Oil

Almond oil is an excellent natural ingredient which is quite effective for the delicate skin around your eyes. Daily usage of almond oil helps reduce your under eye circles. Along with almond oil, you can also use Vitamin E oil to prevent dark circles under the eyes.

  • Apply a few drops almond oil over the dark circles before going to sleep. Massage it gently into the skin.
  • Allow it to sit overnight. Next morning, rinse it off with cold water. Repeat this remedy every day until the dark circle fades completely.

3.) Splash With Cold Water

If you have puffy eyes due to sleepless night and are also having dark circles, then cold water is just what you need to get rid of them. The coldness of water will help tighten the blood vessels and reduce puffiness under your eyes.

  • Wash your face with a few splashes of ice-cold water. Repeat this process a few times daily or as much you can.
  • Alternatively, you can also use a bag filled with ice. Simply wrap a few ice cubes in a small washcloth and keep it on your eyes. Repeat the process as necessary until the swelling disappears.

4.) Take The Help From Potatoes

Similar to cucumbers, potatoes are also very effective in treating puffy eyes. Potatoes have starch present in it which acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. It helps reduce under-eye bags significantly. This remedy is also useful for reducing dark circles under eyes.

  • Take some potatoes, peel, wash and dry them well. Chop these washed potatoes and keep the shavings in a clean cloth and tie it up.
  • Keep this cloth over your eyelids for a few minutes. Follow the process a few times daily or until the puffiness subsides.

Additional Useful Tips:

Apart from above recommended treatments, there are some precautions which you should follow to keep your eye and eyesight healthy.

  • Drink plenty of water to prevent water retention that could be causing the problem. Try to take a regular sleep of about 7-8 hours.
  • Watch for your sleeping position as well. Do not sleep on stomach, it’s better to sleep on your back.
  • Avoid rubbing your eyes frequently or too often. Always remove makeup before going to sleep. Avoid too much sun exposure.
  • Keep a check on your diet and include foods rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E in your diet.
  • Avoid smoking and reduce alcohol and caffeine consumption.

To sum up, next time if you have dark circles or puffy eyes, you can make them go away easily by using any of these above mentioned remedies. Although, if you experience bags under the eyes for no specific reason and it causes pain, discomfort and blurry vision, consult your doctor as soon as possible.

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