How to Get Rid of Cold Sores Overnight and Fast?

After writing home remedies for fever blister treatment, how to get rid of canker sores fast? and home remedies for sore tongue treatment, now we are writing how to get rid of cold sores fast and overnight? Do you need to go for an important meeting the next day, and today you see a red blister on your lips? Don’t think much, it is not a big problem and don’t avoid it because after a few hours you will experience itching and pain, which sufficient enough to ruin your day and meeting. This red blister is nothing but a cold sore. Relax! This article is going to solve your problem and help you to get rid of cold sores in one day to maximum two days. Cold sore is the cluster of blisters, which outbreaks mostly on the border of the lips. They can be developed in the other parts of the body as well. Cold sores are of two types – oral and genital. Oral cold sores are generally developed on the lips and near the mouth while genital cold sores are developed on the pubic area.

What Causes Cold Sores?


Cold sore outbreaks, when one gets infected with the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV). HSV does not necessarily affect you instantly. You might get infected with it today, but the symptoms of infection might show up after some time. It enters the body and pops out later on because of various factors. Cold sores are mostly mild but sometimes they develop complications. “Why is it on my face? Is my skin so sensitive? It was so clean, but now this sore has ruined it… why me?” Such questions might hit you when you look at your cold sore. Herpes Simplex Virus is a very harmful and can easily travel from one person to the other. Talking in medical terms, cold sores are caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus, which is very contagious in nature. It enters your body and reaches ganglion after penetrating your nerves. They are generally followed by fever.

  • Hormonal changes due to the menstrual cycle, increase the chances of an outbreak of cold sores.
  • Mental stress and depression also lead to the outbreak of cold sores. Physical fatigue and tiredness can be the reason behind the development of the virus.
  • If you have a weak immune system then you are more vulnerable towards this virus.
  • If you have gone through any cosmetic surgery, then it increases the chances of its outbreak. Damage to the lips can also result in its outbreak.
  • The virus gets transferred to children when they get kissed by the infected person. Touching the fluid leaking from the blisters.
  • If You comes in contact with the saliva of the infected person leads to the development of the virus.
  • Sharing utensils and sanitary/ toiletries of the infected person assures you the transfer of the Virus. Prolonged exposure to sunlight also develops the virus.

Ways to Get Rid of Cold Sores Overnight and Fast:

Cold sores are most painful and sometimes embarrassing. You want to go to a party, but might have to cancel the plan due to the ugly sore, which has popped up on your face. But canceling your plan because of a cold sore is really not a good idea. There are some remedies, which help you can get rid of cold sores overnight, fast and easily. Sometimes these methods cannot diminish the sore overnight and can take 1-2 days because of bad infection, but these remedies would definitely give you some relief that would help you cope with your plans.

1.) Use The Ice For Redness & Swelling

When you are in pain, you just can’t think of anything else. You just want something that can help you to reduce the pain instantly. Ice numbs the area and hence the pain and redness reduce instantly. Ice is a very potential remedy to get rid of cold sores overnight and fast. With its watery qualities, it heal the cols sore and pain. Also, it helps to reduce the inflammation and swelling caused on the skin. This makes it as one of the best home remedies for cold sores treatment.

What you have to do is take at least three ice cubes. Put them in a piece of cloth and apply it on the cold sore. It will have an instant effect on the redness and swelling. Repeat the process, several times a day for to get rid of cold sores fast.

2.) Take The Help From Alcohol

You must be aware of the other uses of alcohol, but treating a cold sore is an unknown quality. Alcohol is a drying agent, which helps the fluids in the blisters to dry out. It is a potent disinfectant and minimizes the risk of bacterial contamination. Alcohol can prove to be a very advantageous remedy to get rid of cold sores overnight. It has anti-virus abilities, when applied directly, will have a strong and an instant effect on the sore.

You have to take some alcohol in a bowl. Dip a cotton ball in that and apply the cotton ball on the sores directly and it’s done. Try to place the cotton on the affected area for a few minutes then remove.Repeat the process several times a day or try to apply it before you go to sleep.

3.) Use The Hot Tea Bags

Hot tea bags are one of the simplest and instant methods to rid of the cold sores fast. They provide micro-nutrients that would protect the cell and even repair it. Thus, making it as an effective home remedy to get rid of cold sores fast. You can use black tea or green tea bags, which is easily available to you. Take a mild hot water in a cup and dip the tea bag in it for 3-4 minutes. Then, take out the tea bag and keep it on the sore for a few minutes and see the effect. Repeat it few more times and it will give you quicker results.

4.) Make Use Of Garlic

Garlic is yet another beneficial remedy to get rid of cold sores overnight and fast. It gives you instant relief from the itching caused due to dryness of the cold sores. This makes it as one of the effective home remedies for cold sores. It is also one of the remedies to cure a yeast infection.

Cut the garlic into small cloves and apply it to your cold sores. You can use a tape to hold garlic there for sometime. This will give you quicker results than any medicine. You can also crush the garlic and take out its juice. Apply the Juice with the help of cotton ball. It lessens the itching and after using it, one will not wish to scratch it.

5.) Apply The Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil does not only have the instant effect, but it make sure that the sore goes away with no chances of returning back. This remedy can be used to get rid of cold sores forever. Peppermint has menthol, which acts as a healing herb and fights the infection causing virus. Read here the other benefits and uses of peppermint oil. Just put a few drops of the oil on a paper towel or tissue paper. Apply it on the sore directly. Repeat the remedy several times a day for better results. You can also use this remedy to get rid of cold sores overnight.

6.) Take The Help From Aloe Vera

This overnight remedy is the key ingredient to almost all the skin problems. Aloe Vera is a highly ranked home remedy and has received much praise with people swearing for its magical health benefits. Aloe Vera and Aloe Vera juice, both are highly effective in various skin problems. Take the fresh aloe-vera leaf and extract some fresh aloe-vera gel. If you don’t able to take fresh aloe-vera gel then buy the aloe-vera gel from market. Take a cotton pad and put some Aloe Vera gel on it. Apply it on the cold sores several times a day. Immediate shrinkage of the sore will be visible by the end of the day.

7.) Try Some Vanilla Extract

This great smelling ingredient not only adds flavor to food but also helps to get rid of cold sores overnight and fast. There are mainly two reasons behind using vanilla extract. The pure vanilla extract contains 35% of alcohol by volume, due to which the viral infection is reduced fast. The anti-inflammatory properties present in vanilla extract lowers the pain. Take a bowl and pour some pure vanilla extract. Soak a cotton ball in vanilla extract. Place this cotton on the sore for about a minute. Repeat this process 4 times daily for positive results.

8.) Use The Hydrogen Peroxide

This remedy will relieve you quickly from the cold sore. With its natural antibiotic properties, this liquid substance will help you get rid of your cold sore overnight and quickly. You can read other uses of hydrogen peroxide.

You have to first clean your sore with fresh water properly. Apply the diluted hydrogen peroxide on your sore with the cotton ball. Leave it for a for a few minutes then wash off. Repeat the remedy regularly for effective results and make a note to apply the diluted peroxide always

9.) Apply The Petroleum Jelly

Petroleum jelly can prove to be a very effective remedy to get rid of cold sores quickly and overnight. Yes, it is the same jelly, which is kept in your drawer and you tend to look at it when your lips get chapped or the skin gets dry. You apply it on your skin to make it smooth and silky. Applying it directly on the sore will help you get rid of the pain and itching. Apply it on your cold sore before you go to bed. When you wake up in the morning, you can see the results. Keep on repeating the process regularly to get rid of cold sores overnight.

10.) Use The Salt Water

Yes, salt but its should be salt water! You might not believe at first place, but salt water is also one of the most speedy and effective ways of treat a cold sore fast. This is because salt and hot water help to reduce the inflammation, get rid of bacteria and also dries the blister. It will eventually help to treat the cause permanently. Take a bowl of lukewarm salt water and dip some cotton pads in it. Now squeeze the pad lightly and apply it on your cold sore. Do it for some time and you can see the effect the next morning. Try to do it 2-3 times in day for quick recovery.

11.) Try The Lemon Balm

Lemon balm, which is a member of the mint family helps to reduce the healing time of cold sores and also prevents their re-occurrence in future and make its a remedies to get rid of a cold sore forever. Researchers suggest using a lip balm with at least 1% of lemon extracts for beneficial results. Either apply the lemon extract lip balm daily or 2-3 days in a week. As an alternative, use a hot lemon compress. Lemon balm infused tea can also be used for effective results.

12.) Give a Shot With Lysine

Lysine has amino acids present in it, which can help to prevent the breakouts and any future flare ups. Regular intake can also help to reduce the intensity of cold sore flare-ups. Thus, making it as an effective home remedy to get rid of cold sores forever.

  • Simply include Lysine supplements in your diet. Get it from the drug store and do not forget to go through the direction on the bottle.
  • Read every bit of the mentioned information before consumption. If necessary, you can also consult your doctor about its consumption and dosage. This is just for extra precautions.

13.) Use The Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is highly effective and is the best remedy to get rid of cold sores overnight. The oil dries out the skin, which really helps in healing process. The tea tree oil has antiseptic, antiviral, anti-fungal and antibiotic properties. Read here top uses of tea tree oil.

  • You can apply the tea tree oil on the cold sores with the help of cotton ball. Dilute the tea tree oil before applying it with some base oil like almond oil or olive oil.
  • If your skin is sensitive then you can apply tea tree oil by mixing it with other oil like almond oil or olive oil. Tea tree oil is very toxic in nature so you need to be aware before applying near the mouth.

14.) Take Help From Witch Hazel

Witch hazel has been used for the medical purpose and it is very useful in treating the symptoms of cold sores. It works like a tea tree oil, it naturally drying out the skin, which help in healing. You just need to simply dap a few drops of witch hazel extract on the cold sore by using a cotton ball once or twice a day. Before applying the witch hazel on affected area, apply a small amount on your elbow as it has tendency to irritate the skin. The witch hazel gives many benefits and effective result as it works like a drying agent.

15.) Include Vitamin E and C

Vitamin C improves the immune system by boosting the white blood cells in the body. Improving the immune system directly means you are far away from cold sores. Vitamin E on the other hand helps kill the sore if applied topically. The best way for the intake of Vitamin C and E is add them to your diet. Red berries, kiwi, broccoli, tomatoes, spinach, red and green bell peppers are some of the most effective Vitamin C rich foods, which you can easily increase in your diet. Vitamin E rich foods include nuts, whole grain, avocados, and leafy green vegetables.

16.) Use The Milk On Cold Sores

Milk, an essential ingredient since ever, is beneficial for cold sores as well. It is one of the most successful home remedies to get rid of cold sores overnight. Applying milk on the cold sores will give you almost instant comfort. Milk contains proteins, which help fight the viruses like herpes. Remedy is very simple. Take 1-2 tablespoon of milk in a bowl and soak a cotton pad in it. Apply the cotton on the sores for several times in a day and repeat the process.

17.) Keep Your Hands Off

This id the most important and effective among other remedies for cold sores. Keep your hands away from the cold sores. People generally develop the habit of picking at the crusty layer of the sore on the face. Most people do it unconsciously. Picking at your sore may cause bacterial infection as well. As it is highly contagious, it has the risk of spreading the virus to other parts of the body. For instance, what if you rub your eyes after picking at your sore?

How Long Cold Sores Last?

Cold sores generally arise when the immune system gets weak or the lips are injured. If you do not treat the cold sores then they last up to 7 to 10 days. According to some medical specialist, people with weaker immunity can suffer from cold sores for more than 6 weeks. However, if you know well about the stages of cold sores you can control it. A good antiviral cream will not kill the virus but it definitely stops it from reproducing. So keep on reading the article so that you can stop the development of the sore in the right stage.

Symptoms of Cold Sores:

How do you know that the red blisters on your skin are cold sores or not? Learn about the symptoms of cold sores and treat them well. If you have the following symptoms then, that small patch on your face is really a cold sore:

  • Cold sores are generally marked by a bunch of tiny blisters, filled with liquid. The blisters pop and leave some fluid, then forms a crust over the skin.
  • They generate tingling, itching and eroded gums. Sometimes cold sore brings fever with it. The affected area becomes swollen and turns red.
  • It is very painful for some people. When children get affected, they drool. While reoccurring, it occupies the same place and this time it’s less painful and less effective than the last time.

Stages Of Cold Sores:

  • Tingle Stage: This is the very first stage of a cold sore. There will be a few symptoms like that particular area of skin will become tight and itchy. The affected area can also become red and swollen. You can apply Abreva cream at this stage for best results.
  • Blister Stage: During this stage, you will find a couple of small blisters. They are filled with liquid and the surrounding skin is red and swollen. These painful bumps can also multiply and grow. Make sure that you do not squeeze the blisters.
  • Ulcer Stage: This is one of the most painful stages because the blister burst and an open sore develop. There is a red ring of inflammation formed around the affected area. In this stage, you need to wash the affected area with cold water and soap to prevent infection.
  • Scabbing Stage: In this stage, the blister dries up and a yellow scab is formed. When the scab shrinks there are painful cracks that are prone to bleed. Here you will experience a lot of itching and burning sensation.
  • Healing Stage: In this stage, you will notice some dry flaking and residual swelling. The affected area will be slightly pink or red. You can apply an antiseptic cream to promote faster healing.

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