How to Make Eyebrows Grow Faster With Vaseline?

After writing how to get longer eye lashes?how to grow think eyebrows naturally?, and how to pluck your eyebrows?, now we are writing how to make eyebrows grow faster with vaseline. ‘Perfectly shaped eyebrows not only frames a beautiful face, but also gives your face an instantaneous lift’. Long and Thicker eyebrows are considered to be beautiful and it makes your eyes look more charming and expressive than before. This article is about ways to make eyebrows grow fast with Vaseline.

One the most efficient remedies to make eyebrows grow fast is Vaseline. Vaseline is an easily available ingredient, that has amazing results when used for your thin eyebrows. The moisturizing and conditioning properties of vaseline stimulate the growth of the hair and thus helps eyebrows become thicker and fuller. Apart from beauty, there is another important reason to grow eyebrows, it protects the eyes from sweat and other dust particles. Further, in this article, we will also discuss the benefits of Vaseline and the way in which it can be used to make your eyebrows grow faster. So Folks, keep reading the article to make eyebrows grow fast with Vaseline.

Reasons Behind The Eyebrow Loss:

  • Over-plucking: This is one of the most important reasons behind eyebrow loss. Tweezing could be good but only to a certain extent. Next time when you do it keep in mind that one mistake can cause you trouble for six months. Over-plucking also leads to infections and follicle damage.
  • Aging: It is the another common factor that affects the growth of eyebrows. For this, you can do certain things. For example, try to stay stress-free, make sure your skin is well hydrated and do light brow makeup.
  • Hypothyroidism: Low thyroid is also responsible for eyebrow loss. The most important reason of low thyroid is the deficiency of iron. For this, you need to consult the doctor.
  • Alopecia Areata: In easy language, you can call it spot baldness. This is basically seen on the scalp. Only 0.1% of the population suffers from this particular reason of eyebrow loss.
  • Nutrient Deficiency: Deficiency of nutrients not only affects hair growth but also leads to sparse eyebrows. Include iron, zinc, protein, omega 3, biotin and vitamin B12 to make your diet complete and balanced. Read here food high in iron, zinc, protein and omega 3.

Does Vaseline Help Eyebrows Growth?

Vaseline is an awesome miracle cream because it not only helps the eyebrows to grow but can also be used for a variety of purposes. There are a number of claims for the growth of eyebrows with Vaseline. Marilyn Monroe applied Vaseline on her face for glowing skin and also to find against wrinkles. She ended up with hair on the sides of her face. This incident proves that Vaseline promotes facial hair growth. Vaseline also makes the eyebrows healthier. So the healthier the eyebrows are the faster they grow.

Make Eyebrows Grow Faster With Vaseline:


Vaseline, which is generally used for treating chapped lips and scaly skin, is a fantastic remedy to grow eyebrows as well. Vaseline not only make your eyebrows thicker naturally, but it also stimulates the growth of new hair. It is also proven to control hair fall. Apply it daily and you will get rid of thinner eyebrows naturally, that will be replaced by the thicker and fuller eyebrow hair. Here are some other ways that you can follow to use Vaseline to make your eyebrows grow fast.

1.) Make Eyebrows Grow Faster With Vaseline

It will be not wrong to say that vaseline is a girl’s best friend. Whether you need a solution for your dry or chapped lips or for eyebrow growth you can always look up to vaseline. The moisturizing and conditioning properties of vaseline promote hair growth and help the eyebrows to stay straight and firm. You can also use it to get beautiful long eyelashes.

How To Use Vaseline For Eyebrows Growth?

  • Use a makeup remover to clean the face and wash it with lukewarm water.
  • With the help of a cotton or your fingers apply vaseline on your brows in an upward direction.
  • Apply it from the inside to the outside of the eyebrow.
  • Leave it overnight and wash it the next morning.
  • Use it daily to get thicker eyebrows. You can also apply it during the day as well.

2.) Castor Oil & Vaseline to Make Eyebrows Grow Faster

It is an awesome remedy for hair growth as well that is an age old ingredient being used by people who are also swearing for its beneficial effects. The presence of ricinoleic acid in castor oil helps in hair growth. It nourishes the hair follicles and stimulates hair growth. The best thing about castor oil is that it easily penetrates deep into the skin.  The duo of Vaseline and castor oil has also been proven to be a fantastic remedy to grow eyebrows faster. It works as an add-on and provides moisture to the skin.

Follow the Steps to Use Castor Oil & Vaseline on Eyebrows:

  • Take some Vaseline and mix it with a few drops of castor oil.
  • Apply it on the eyebrows and leave it overnight.
  • Wash it the next morning.
  • Repeat regularly and you will see the results in a couple of weeks.

3.) Olive Oil & Vaseline to Make Eyebrows Grow Fast

If you are suffering from eyebrow loss then olive oil is a boon for you. Olive oil is another age-old remedy that is being used for centuries to stimulate hair growth. The richness of vitamin E in olive oil makes the eyebrow grow faster and thicker. Another advantage of olive oil is that it keeps your eyebrow dark-hued. You can mix Vaseline with olive oil and get bushy eyebrows naturally. What you have to do is apply the mixture every day and it will give you positive results:

  • Mix some Vaseline with few drops of olive oil.
  • Apply it on the eyebrows before going to the bed.
  • Wash it the next morning.
  • Repeat the remedy regularly for effective results.

4.) Coconut Oil & Vaseline to Make Your Eyebrows Grow Faster

You must have heard about this magical oil from your ancestors. The vitamin E and iron present in coconut oil are very good for eyebrow growth. It locks the moisture and prevents breakage. There are numerous benefits of coconut oil known till date. Coconut oil has amazing benefits for hair and it is also fantastic for skin. It is such an amazing oil that you can also use it for dogs as well. Follow the given steps to use coconut oil and Vaseline for the growth of eyebrows:

  • Take some coconut oil and mix it with Vaseline.
  • Mix it well and apply it on eyebrows.
  • Leave it overnight and wash it in the morning.
  • Repeat the remedy for effective results.

Other Ways to Grow Your Eyebrows Faster:

Apart from ways to grow eyebrows faster with Vaseline, you can try the other ways as well. Here are some of the other amazing ways to grow your eyebrows.

1.) Aloe Vera Gel to Grow Your Eyebrows

Aloe Vera gel is one of the most amazing natural remedies to grow your eyebrows thick and long. The enzymes and moisturizing properties of Aloe Vera nourish the hair follicles and accelerate the eyebrow growth. Aloe Vera gel is easily available in the market. Or, you can extract gel from an Aloe Vera plant. Aloe Vera is also very good for the skin. It makes the skin soft and shiny.

  • Just cut a thick Aloe Vera leaf into two and scoop out the gel from it.
  • Apply the gel on your eyebrows using a cotton ball.
  • Let it stay for a few minutes (20 minutes as suggested) and then wash off.
  • Repeat it regularly for effective results.

2.) Lemon to Make Eyebrows Grow Fast

You can also apply lemon juice to make your eyebrows grow. It is a rich source of Vitamin C and Vitamin B including the Folic acid, which tends to stimulate the growth of eyebrow hair. It also helps to repair the damage brow skin.

  • Just slice a lemon and rub the slice on your eyebrows.
  • Make sure that the juice stays on the eyebrow for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Wash your eyebrows with warm water.
  • Repeat the remedy regularly for effective results.

3.) Milk to Grow Eyebrows

The proteins and nutrients present in the milk nourishes the hair follicles and thus help with the growth of your eyebrows. It also encourages the production of collagen tissue which is very necessary for faster hair growth. This proves as the best remedy to grow your brow thick and voluminous.

  • Simply take some milk in a bowl.
  • Soak a cotton ball and dab it on the brows.
  • Massage the brow area with the milk remains.
  • Let it sit if not necessary to wash off.
  • Repeat the remedy regularly for effective results.

4.) Onion Juice to Make Eyebrows Grow Fast

Onion juice for hair growth is a widely used and popular remedy to promote hair growth. This is because of the Sulphur present in onions which help to stimulate blood circulation on the area, resulting into healthy hair follicles and improves hair growth. The juice of onion improves the production of collagen tissues due to which the eyebrow growth is denser and thicker.

  • Simply grate an onion and extract the juice.
  • Soak a cotton ball and rub on the affected area.
  • Leave for 5 minutes and then wash off.
  • Repeat the remedy for effective results.

5.) Egg Yolk to Make Eyebrows Grow Fast

Egg yolk contains a protein that is quite similar to keratin, which is known for hair growth. This protein promotes hair growth by locking the moisture. Egg yolk can also help you to grow your eyebrow hair.

  • Simply separate the yolk of an egg and whip until creamy.
  • Mix in a few drops of olive oil and other essential oil that promotes hair growth.
  • Apply to your brows and leave it to dry for almost 20 minutes.
  • Now, wash off with warm water.
  • Repeat the remedy to make eyebrows grow fast.

6.) Fenugreek Seed to Make Eyebrows Grow Fast

Fenugreek seed is one of the effective remedies for thicker eyebrows. As the fenugreek seed is rich in protein, nicotinic acid, and lecithin that gives better hair growth. As these seeds are also very beneficial in rebuilding the hair follicles.

  • Take one tablespoon of fenugreek seed and soak in the water for at least 5 hours.
  • You need to grind the soaked seeds into a thick paste then add a little almond oil or coconut oil.
  • Apply this mixture before going to bed.
  • Leave the mixture overnight and wash it off in the morning with lukewarm water.
  • Follow this remedy 2-3 times a week for better result.

Trend Changes With Time:

The concepts of beauty have changed now. There was a time in the past when thin eyebrows were considered beautiful and better. Girls would love if the eyebrows were thin. They could use a pencil to create their own thin eyebrows. But now the time has changed. Thicker and fuller eyebrows have made a strong impact in the beauty industry. According to some beauty professionals, thick eyebrows are a sign of youthfulness and health. While thin and sparse eyebrows make a person look dull and aged.

Benefits of Vaseline:

Apart from making the eyebrows grow, Here are other benefits of Vaseline:

  • Heals Chapped Lips – Vaseline is mainly known to treat chapped lips. Apply it whenever you want, as it also brings a shine to the lips. It also helps get rid of black lips and make lips appear pink and plump.
  • Moisture to Skin – It is also known to work as a substitute for body lotion. It provides moisture to the skin and replace your scaly skin with smooth and shiny skin and also helps get perfect skin.
  • Beautiful Nails – It is also used to bring shine to the nails. Just apply Vaseline on the nails and it will bring a shine to your dull nails, thus helping you to get more beautiful nails.
  • Moisturize Hair – It is also good at moisturizing the hair. Apply it on the scalp and you will be able to moisturize your hair naturally.
  • Diaper Rashes – It heals the rashes on the baby’s bosoms that are caused due to wearing wet diapers. Apply it before putting on the diaper and treat diaper rashes naturally at home.

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