How to Get Rid of Moles Without Surgery?

After writing, how to get rid of skin tags?, how to get rid of warts at home?, and how to get rid of stretch marks?, we are now writing the best ways to get rid of moles without surgery. Moles have been associated with beauty, especially in a woman. Even in popular culture, you could see all the iconic actresses and celebrities have had a beautiful mole on their face, enhancing their overall persona and beauty. But, for many, when the mole exceeds the point size, they end up being a menace and ironically make you look ugly. Moles have nothing to do with health. However, they could be a reason for embarrassment. You can avoid such embarrassment, but not at a hefty cost of surgery only. You can remove moles without surgery also. Read more to know different ways to get rid of moles without surgery.

Remedies to Get Rid of Moles Without Surgery:


1.) Iodine to Get Rid of Moles Without Surgery

The solution of iodine can help you to get rid of the moles and skin tags without surgery. The solution eliminates the cluster of cells, which generate moles and is easily available at a drug store.

How to Use Iodine?

  • Before applying the iodine, clean the affected part and then dip a cotton ball in the iodine solution and apply over the mole.
  • If you want flat mole then you can scratch it gently with the emery board before the application of iodine.
  • Then cover the area with gauze or bandage and leave it for a night.
  • To avoid the stain of iodine on skin apply iodine jelly or vaseline around the mole.
  • Follow this remedy until you see visible changes.

2.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Get Rid of Moles Without Surgery

The acid present in the apple cider vinegar makes it perfect home remedy for getting rid of the moles without surgery.

How to Use ACV?

  • Clean the affected part and dab the ACV over the mole with the help of cotton ball. Leave the cotton and secure it with gauze or bandage. Leave it for a night.
  • Apply ACV regularly until you get encouraging results.
  • Or, before applying ACV, rub warm water over the affected part and gently scratch it with the emery board. Let it dry. Do this 2-4 times a day.

3.)  Flaxseed Oil to Get Rid of Moles Without Surgery

If you want to remove raised moles then flaxseed oil is what, you need to use. Regular application of flaxseed oil  will loosen the mole from the skin, which you can easily get rid off later.

How to Use Flaxseed Oil?

  • Grind handful of flaxseeds. Mix half tablespoon of honey in the powder and make a thick paste of it.
  • Apply this paste to the affected skin and leave it for 1-2 hours.
  • Apply this paste 3-4 times a day regularly until you see visible changes.

4.) Castor Oil to Get Rid of the Moles without Surgery

Castor oil kills the cells which form a mole. Though it takes a time to remove the moles completely but does not leave a scar as other remedies tend to.

How to Apply Castor Oil?

  • In 3-4 drops of castor oil mix a pinch of baking soda and aspirin ( if you want to).
  • Rub the mixture over the affected area gently and leave it for 2-3 hours.
  • Wash the area when it gets dry.
  • Repeat this remedy regularly for a month.


5.) Onion to Get Rid of Moles Without Surgery

Onion juice has acidic properties because of which it can help you to get rid of the moles without surgery. Moreover, it does not change the complexion of  the skin.

How to Apply Onion Juice?

  • Apply fresh onion juice over the mole with the help of the Q-tip.
  • Leave the juice for 30-40 minutes and then wash the area properly.
  • Alternatively, a mixture of ACV and onion juice will also give you satisfactory results.

6.) Garlic to Get Rid of Moles Without Surgery

Garlic contains enzymes that help to eliminate the cluster of cells that produces pigments, which leads to moles. Also, it lightens the dark marks. Because of all these properties, garlic is an ideal natural remedy for eliminating moles at home.

How to Apply Garlic?

  • Grind 2-3 cloves of garlic and place it over the affected area.
  • Cover the part with gauge or bandage and leave it for a night.
  • Do this regularly until you get rid of moles.

7.) Pineapple Juice to Get Rid of Moles Without Surgery

Pineapple juice does not eliminate a mole but it lightens the color of the mole so that it can not be noticed easily.

How to Apply Pineapple Juice?

  • Dip a cotton swab in the pineapple juice and apply it over the mole.
  • Leave the cotton on the affected area for a night you can secure it with a gauze or bandage
  • Apply the juice regularly to reduce the dark color of the mole.

8.) Grapefruit Seed Extract t o Get Rid of Moles Without Surgery

Grapefruit is a rich source of vitamin E and flavonoids which help to get rid of the moles naturally. Apply fresh grapefruit over the affected area for 10-15 days and see the difference.

How to apply Grapefruit Seed Extract?

  • A single drop of this fruit will be enough. Cover the juice with bandage or gauge so that it do not attracts dust particles.
  • Leave the bandage for a night and repeat this treatment regularly.
  • Or, mix grapefruit seed extract and avocado oil and apply this mixture over the mole. Leave it for 20 minutes.

9.) Frankincense to Get Rid of the Moles Without Surgery

Frankincense oil is a natural astringent therefore, it comes handy for drying the mole and eliminating the upper layer of the mole.

How to Apply Frankincense?

  • In a teaspoon of frankincense mix 8 spoons of olive oil.
  • Dip the cotton ball in it and dab it over the affected part.
  • Leave it for 3-4 hours or overnight and wash it next day.
  • Repeat this remedy until you get rid of the mole.

10.)  Aloe-Vera to Get Rid of Moles Without Surgery

Aloe-Vera reduces the color of the mole. It is a wonderful home remedy for other skin related problem as well. Fresh  Aloe-Vera gel is more effective as compared to other Aloe-Vera gel.

How to Apply Aloe-Vera Gel?

  • With the help of the cotton ball apply fresh Aloe-Vera gel over the mole.
  • Cover the gel with gauze or bandage.
  • Leave it for 4-5 hours or until the gel is totally absorbed in the skin.
  • Apply Aloe-Vera gel, 2-3 times a day regularly until you get rid of the moles.

11.) Honey to Get Rid of Moles Without Surgery

The healing and anti-bacterial properties of honey make it an ideal home remedy for moles. It removes the mole without affecting your skin.

How to Apply Honey?

  • Mix a half tablespoon of honey with some flaxseed oil.
  • Apply this mixture on your mole. Leave it on for a few hours and then rinse the skin.

12.) Petroleum Jelly to Get Rid of Moles without Moles

Last and least, home remedy for moles is petroleum jelly. It helps you to get rid of moles without any pain. However, it takes a long time to do so.  It is one of the best remedies for dry skin as well. All you have to apply petroleum jelly or vaseline on the mole,

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