How to Clear Acne and Have an Acne Free Face?

After writing, how to remove blackheads?, how to get rid of whiteheads?, how to get rid of back acne?, and how to get rid of cystic acne?, we are now writing about the ways to clear acne and have an acne free face. Today anywhere you go, you would see a great range of skin care and beauty treatment products. Most of them specializing in different problems. They do help, but one of the most difficult of all the treatments is that of acne. Acne is known to affect a great part of the world’s population today. This may seem to be a disturbing scenario, just like the problem, it is still curable. There are many other factors, which can be responsible for causing acne. This condition varies from person to person and can be mild to severe. In some cases, when acne doesn’t go away with their own, medical help should be taken. Most people take it lightly and try to treat acne by themselves. They try to get rid of acne without having a proper knowledge.

Sometime mistreating your acne leaves acne scars or marks on the face. Such blemishes can ruin the appearance for the rest of the life. So, you must not underestimate your condition. Especially, when it is related to your appearance as no one wants to look ugly and regret for the rest of the life. Apart from medical condition you can try below listed natural home remedies to clear acne and have an free face. These remedies are easy, safe and quite effective.

Types of Acne:

  • Comedonal Acne: Comedonal acne is related to clogged pores.
  • Inflammatory Acne: Red bumps, blackheads and white heads are inflammatory acne.
  • Cystic acne: Cystic acne is related to scarring of acne along with deep inflammation.
  • Hormonal-onset acne: Acne caused in late 20s or 30s due to drop in estrogen level.

Best Ways to Clear Acne And Have an Acne Free Face:


1.) Steam Will Do The Job

Steaming is an excellent home remedy for your skin nourishment. Especially, if you are suffering with acne problem. Steaming helps unclog your pores and let your skin breathe. Steaming will also help you get rid of oil, bacteria and dirt clogged in your pores. These are mainly responsible for infection or inflammation in the skin. Here is the method to use steam. 

  • Boil water and pour it in a big bowl. Let the steam come in contact with your face. You can use a towel to cover your face to take steam. Let it continue this for 8-10 minutes.
  • Wash your face with lukewarm water and pat it dry. Apply a moisturizer (oil free). Do this process 2-3 times a week to clear acne and have acne free face.

2.) Take Help From Baking Soda

Baking soda is another excellent home remedy to have an acne free face. It acts as a good exfoliating agent, which helps get rid of dead skin cells, excess oil and dirt. Baking soda has anti-inflammatory qualities, which helps prevent redness and swelling in acne. It can also be used to treat rashes and sunburn. Also, read article on baking soda for acne.

  • Mix 1 tsp of baking soda with lemon juice or water to make a fine paste. Clean your face with water and apply the paste to the affected area. Let it dry for several minutes only.
  • Do not leave it for too long as baking soda can cause dryness or irritation. Afterwards, wash your face with lukewarm water. Do this process 2 times a day for fast results. You can add baking soda to your regular cleanser as well.

3.) Drink Cucumber Diffused Water

It is a powerful remedy to treat acne condition. Cucumber is known to contain a high amount of Potassium and Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E. Plus, cucumber also has cooling and soothing properties, which is quite useful to treat inflammation in acne. It has pH similar to our skin, which helps enhance the healing process.

  • Take a few cucumbers and cut it into small pieces. Dip them in water for a few hours. Nutrients present in cucumber like potassium, chlorophyll and vitamin A will get diffused with water.
  • Drink some water and use the rest of the water to rinse your face. Cucumber is also useful in acne marks treatment.

4.) Apply The Ice Pack

Ice is a useful option to reduce the swelling, inflammation and redness from acne. It helps in promoting blood circulation around the affected area. Plus ice helps tighten your pores and removes accumulation of excess oil and dirt on the skin. You can use ice cubes or crushed ice as well. Take a few ice cubes and wrap them in a clean piece of cloth. Place the cloth on the affected skin area and hold for a few seconds. Repeat the process several times daily to clean acne and have an acne free face.

5.) Use The White Toothpaste

Toothpaste, which you use is not only useful for teeth, but also for treating your acne. It is more effective when used along with the ice remedy. Most of the toothpaste are known to have hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, baking soda and witch hazel. These all are very effective in treating acne. Use plain white toothpaste instead of using gel based toothpaste.

  • Take some white toothpaste in your palm and apply it on the affected skin area before going to bed. Leave it for 30-40 minutes and wash your face with water and you can notice reduction in swelling.
  • You can repeat the process in day time as well. Let the paste sit for at least for half an hour before washing.

6.) Use The Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is another excellent way to clear acne and have an acne free face. It is known to have antibacterial properties as it helps get rid of bacteria, which are responsible for skin problems such as acne and pimple. It also has soothing properties, which helps minimize the redness and inflammation in acne. Tea tree oil is also known to be effective in drying out whiteheads and blackheads naturally. Take the diluted tea tree oil or mix the tea tree oil with some base oil like almond oil or olive oil. Use a cotton ball to apply the tea tree oil on the affected skin area. Leave it for 15 minutes before washing your face. Do this daily to clear acne and have an acne free face. Always use diluted tea tree oil to apply on acne. Read article how to use tea tree oil on acne? 

7.) Use The Garlic

Garlic is a potent source of anti-fungal, antioxidant, antiviral, and antiseptic properties. It helps speed up the treatment of acne naturally. Garlic is also known to have sulfur compound which makes healing process faster. It has anti-inflammatory qualities as well, which help prevent discomfort, pain and irritation in acne.

  • Take some garlic and cut them into several pieces. Rub these pieces on the affected skin area. Leave it for 5 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat the process several times a daily. Alternatively, you can chew a raw garlic clove daily to purify your blood. But, limit the amount as it can upset the stomach.

8.) Apply The Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe-vera has been known from centuries for its herbal and medicinal qualities and for the same reason aloe vera is considered to be an excellent remedy to clear acne and have an acne free face. Aloe vera being a natural moisturizer helps remove the excess oil and bacteria that clogs the skin. Moreover, it also effective in the rejuvenation of the dead skin cells. Take the aloe vera leaf and mash it up to gets its gel. If you don’t have aloe vera plant then you can buy packed aloe vera gel from market also. Apply, the gel on the acne skin. Leave it for 15-20 minutes and then wash it off for effective results. Read article aloe vera for acne treatment at home.

9.) Use The Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is the champion, when comes to remedies for skin problem. It is because of these properties that it is used cure acne also. Just keep up with the beautiful aroma and let it do its work. Take a cotton ball and dip it apple cider vinegar. Apply, the cotton over acne affected skin and gently massage for 2-3 minutes and leave it for 8-10 minutes. Then wash it off and continue the process till it does not show results. Read article apple cider vinegar for acne.

10.) Use The Orange Peel

With the power of citrus acid and vitamin E, orange is a sure shot winner. The peel of the orange is considered to be a waste and it is actually useful. The peel can be used to get rid of the acne that is leading to embarrassment for you. Take the orange peel and let it dry under the sun for 2-3 days. Then grind the dried orange peel to make the fine powder. Mix the orange peel powder with water to prepare a face mask. Apply, the pack on the face and leave it there for 30 minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water to get rid of the acne.

11.) Use Mashed Papaya

The papaya can not only save you from the heat of the scorching sun, but is used around the world by beauty and skin care products.Papaya is loaded with essential properties which helps treat acne effectively. It is a rich source of antioxidants containing Vitamin A. In addition, it includes enzymes, which helps lower inflammation and makes skin soft and smooth. It gives soothing effect as well to the skin. The flesh of the papaya fruit can be applied directly on the acne affected skin. Mix the pulp of papaya with water to form a paste. Apply, the paste as a face mask for 10-15 minutes to cure the problem. Make sure you apply a good lotion after the papaya treatment. It will be an added benefit, as it will enhance the healing process.

12.) Use The Lemon Juice

Another effective remedy to clear acne is by using lemon juice. Lemon contains Vitamin C, which helps dry acne faster. Lemon has anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties that helps prevent bacteria from causing acne. Plus, having bleaching features too, lemon helps fade blemishes on skin. Always use fresh lemon juice and not the packaged juice as it has preservatives.

  • Use a cotton swab to apply fresh lemon juice on the affected skin area before going to bed. Alternatively, take 1 tbsp of fresh lemon juice with 1 tsp of cinnamon powder and mix it well.
  • Apply this mixture on the acne and leave it overnight. Wash your face well with lukewarm water in the morning. Do not use this remedy if you have a sensitive skin.

13.) Drink Green Tea

Green tea will give you a perfect morning start, the one that is relaxing. Caffeine may have its benefits, but it comes nowhere close to the healthy properties of green tea. As they say drinking green tea is associated with a healthy lifestyle. Make sure to drink at least 2-3 cups of green tea every day. It will not only help you lose the acne from the face, but some weight as well.

14.) Take The Help From Potato

A potato a day keeps the acne away. This may sound lame and I don’t practically expect you to start consuming a raw potato every day. For this to work, grate a freshly cut potato and mix it up with orange juice. You will get a natural exfoliation mask. Apply, the mask over the acne-affected skin and let it be there. Wash it off after some time as your face gets cleaned from inside.

15.) Use The Oat Mask

Oats can act as a natural moisturizer, while cleaning up your skin and getting rid of all the oil and dust. Mix oatmeal with honey and lemon to prepare a face mask. Apply, the mask for a minimum of 25 minutes. Wash it off with warm water and continue the treatment for best results.

16.) Use Honey and Lemon

Honey is another good option to treat acne problems. Honey is known to be an excellent source of antibiotics, It helps speed up the healing process naturally. Plus, being a disinfectant, honey helps prevent infections causing acne. Honey and lemon together can act as the perfect acne remedy. The process is similar to one that we used above. All you have to do is prepare a face mask of a combination of honey and lemon. Keep it there for half an hour and believe me acne is history for you. Using a cotton swab, apply the honey on the affected skin area. Leave it for 25-30 minutes. After 30 minutes, rinse it off well with warm water. Repeat this process 2-3 times a week. Read article on honey for acne.

17.) Use The Tomatoes

Not much is known about the remedies of tomato, but that should not hinder you from trying it to clear acne and have an acne free face. The tomato juice is what you need to get rid of acne. Just mash some freshly cut tomatoes and collect their juice. Apply, the juice on all of your face and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Wash it up after it dries up and welcome an acne free face.  

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