Home Remedies for Black Eye Removal

In this article we will discuss different home remedies for black eye. A common injury caused around the eye which results in swelling, inflammation and pain is known as a black eye. In black eye condition, blood accumulates around the eye, which causes discoloration around the eye. The black eye is also known as periorbital hematoma or shiner. Most of the time it is a mild injury and heals on its own in a few days. With proper precaution and following below listed home remedies for black eye removal, you can get rid of the condition faster. But remember, if there is a cut around the eye or you are having symptoms like nausea, dizziness or vomiting along with some vision problems, you should immediately consult your doctor rather than treating it yourself. Below discussing remedies, let us know the causes and symptoms of black eye.

Causes of Black Eye:

  • A blow to the eye.
  • Blow to the nose or forehead.
  • Surgical process
  • Head injury
  • Allergic reaction
  • Bites
  • Dental infection

Symptoms of Black Eye:

  • Discoloration
  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Inflammation
  • Nausea
  • Unable to move the eye.
  • Fever
  • Fluid leaking from the eyeball.

Home Remedies for Black Eye Removal

Home Remedies for Black Eye Removal:


1.) Ice as a Remedy for Swollen Black Eye

Ice is an effective natural remedies to get rid of black eye fast. When you suffer from a black eye first thing you should do is to apply ice on the affected area. Ice application helps reduce swelling and helps restrict the blood vessels to lessen internal bleeding. Other advantages of ice is that it prevents bruising, alleviate pain and also boosts the healing process. Here is the method to apply it.

Directions to Use Ice:

  • Take a few ice cubes and wrap them in a clean cloth.
  • Hold it gently against the affected eye for 10 to 25 minutes. Do not rub it.
  • Apply the ice several times a day.
  • Remember to apply it during the first 48 to 72 hours. It is more effective in first 2 days.
  • Do not use ice directly on the eyes as it can damage nerves.
  • ice remedy is also useful for getting rid of bags under eyes.

2.) Warm Compress as a Home Remedy for Swollen Black Eye

After icing the black eye for first 2-3 days, you should apply warm compresses. Warm compress helps effectively in enhancing the blood flow to the tissues around the eye. It also prevents accumulation of blood under the skin, thus speeding up the healing process. It is also useful for puffy eyes treatment. Here is the method to do it.

Directions to Use Warm Compress:

  • Take a clean cloth and soak it in warm water.
  • Wring out the excess water from the cloth.
  • Keep the wrung cloth on the injured eye and leave it for a few minutes.
  • Massage the eye area gently if it doesn’t pain much.
  • Do this several times a day.

3.) Pineapple as a Natural Remedy for Black Eye Removal

Pineapple is an effective fruit in treating a black eye. Being rich in antioxidants, it helps speed up the healing process. It is not only effective for treating black eye, but also of almost any sort of injury which causes discoloration of the skin. It is also considered an ideal remedy for treating dark circles.

Directions to Use Pineapple:

  • An enzyme present in pineapple helps soften and heal the skin.
  • Extract the pulp of pineapple in a bowl.
  • Apply the pulp around the affected area of the eye.
  • Along with topical application you may drink pineapple juice or eat it for internal healing.

4.) Potato as a Remedy for Black Eye Removal:

Potato is another powerful ingredient to treat black eye. Potato helps lessen swelling, pain, and inflammation in the blackened eye. It is also effective in treating discoloration of eye due to its fine bleaching properties.

Directions to Use Potato for Bruised Eye:

  • Take a small potato cut into thick slices.
  • Keep the potato slices in the fridge for 15 to 20.
  • Later, take the cold potato slice and place it over the blackened eye for 30 minutes.
  • Alternatively, shred a potato and extract the juice out of it.
  • Apply the juice around the eye.

5.) Cucumber as a Remedy for Black Eye Removal

One of the most effective and excellent home remedies to treat black eye is cucumber. cucumber is considered as a fine healing agent for various health and body ailments including black eyes. Cooling properties of cucumber help soothe the eye. It reduces the swelling and pain caused due to black eye. Cucumber is also effective in the treatment of baggy eyes.


  • Take a cucumber and cut it into thick slices.
  • Place the slice on the affected eye for a few minutes.
  • Although cucumber have cooling properties, but you can refrigerate the slice before placing.
  • Repeat the process 2 to 3 times a day.
  • Also, drink cucumber juice for internal effects.
  • You can also use cucumber in case of eye strain.

6.) Papaya a to Treat Black Eye Removal

Like pineapple, papaya is another helpful fruit for black eye treatment. Not only black eye, papaya is also useful for other ailments too. Papaya has cooling and antioxidant qualities which helps alleviate pain and swelling caused due to black eye. It also helps accelerate the healing process. It has both internal and external benefits.

Directions to Use Papaya for Bruised Eye:

  • Squeeze out the pulp of papaya.
  • Apply it around the affected eye and leave it for a few minutes.
  • Wipe the eye later with a tissue paper.
  • Drink papaya juice or eat it twice a day for faster healing.

7.) Arnica as a Remedy for Black Eye Removal

Arnica is an effective herb for treating black eye. Arnica helps lessen the swelling in the black eye fast. It also cures the damaged eye muscles and tissues. Here is the method to do it.

Directions to Use Arnica:

  • Use Arnica at the earliest to prevent the condition from getting worse.
  • You can buy it from your local market. You can use a topical cream or oil.
  • Apply it on the affected area 2 to 3 times a day.

8.) Natural Oil Massage to Treat Black Eye Removal

Massaging with a good natural oil can be very effective in reducing swelling, pain and inflammation. You can use olive oil for massaging as it has various bruise healing qualities. Other than olive oil you can use coconut or castor oil. Remember, massage the eye gently in order to prevent any further damage to the eye.

9.) Vitamin C as a Remedy for Black Eye Removal

Whenever you suffer from a black eye, you should include Vitamin C in your meal in order to speed up the healing process. Consuming foods rich in Vitamin C help strengthen the blood vessel walls. You can find various food items rich in Vitamin C such as oranges, lemon, broccoli, guavas, Indian gooseberries. Other than foods, you can go for Vitamin C supplement to meet your daily dose of Vitamin C.

10.) Comfrey Roots as a Remedy for Black Eye Removal

Comfrey root is a powerful home remedy to lessen pain and bruising caused due to black eye. It has excellent anti-inflammatory properties which help reduce inflammation fast and naturally.

Directions to Use Comfrey Roots for Bruised Eye:

  • Grind 1 tsp of comfrey root along with a little water to make a fine paste.
  • Apply the paste around the blackened eye once a day.
  • Alternatively, boil a comfrey root in water and soak a clean cloth in the warm tea.
  • Apply the soaked cloth on the bruised area.
  • Repeat it 2-3 times a day.
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