How to Get Rid of Dark Armpits Or Underarms ?

After writing, how to stop armpit sweating?, how to heal armpit rashes?, and home remedies for painful lumps in armpit, we are now writing the best ways to get rid of dark armpits or underarms. Having dark underarms will certainly give you embarrassment. The dark coloration of the armpits is not a disease. Dark underarms is a common problem as it is caused due to sun tanning and over exposure to the sun.

In this article, we will explain the causes and the best remedies to get rid of dark armpits or underarms. Having dark underarms is also the result of using some alcoholic deodorants and some hair removal creams. There are some other reasons also that affect armpits such as, excessive sweating, antiperspirants, poor ventilation of underarms, accumulation of dead skin cells and shaving. To get rid of dark armpits use some simple remedies and treatments, which will help in whitening of underarms.

What Causes Dark Armpits Or Underarms?


Dark underarms are a skin blackness problem into armpits. It can occur due to several reasons such as hyper-pigmentation, sweating, regular shaving, build up of dead skin cells, improper ventilation of underarms, using harsh products, antiperspirants and deodorant usage and bacterial infection, etc. Though at times, dark armpit may also be a result of some medical condition. Such condition is known as acanthosis nigricans. It is usually associated with insulin resistance, hormonal disorders, obesity, certain medications, and cancer.

Having dark underarms decreases your confidence level. Because of dark underarms, you are not able to wear sleeveless clothes. Dark underarm is not a disease. Having dark underarms more likely to affect a woman rather than a man. However, the good news is there are numerous remedies to get rid of dark armpits and will help you to whiten your dark underarms. Read article more, to find out about different remedies to get rid of dark underarms. It is quite easy and simple to get rid of dark armpit using simple home remedies. These remedies are safe, effective, natural and affordable. 

Remedies to Get Rid of Dark Armpits Fast and Naturally

1.) Make Use Of Lemon Power

Lemon is known as a natural bleaching agent, which helps to get rid of dark armpits. It also has excellent antibacterial and antiseptic properties. This is the reason that lemon is used in treating different skin-related problems including dark armpit. It is not a natural cleanser, but it contains acidic properties, which help in lightening the skin by exfoliating the dead skin cells. Lemon may dry out your skin, so apply a moisturizer if needed. Use this effective home remedy to make your underarm fairer.

  • Rub a lemon wedge on the skin for several minutes to remove dead skin cells and lighten your armpit. Leave the juice on your skin for around 10 minutes.
  • Wash the area thoroughly. You can sprinkle some sugar on the lemon wedge to increase its effectiveness. Repeat this process several times a week.
  • Alternatively, take a little amount of turmeric powder, plain yogurt or honey and a lemon juice. Mix all the ingredient well and apply it on your armpit. Allow it to sit for 10 minutes before washing it off. Repeat this 3-4 times in a week.

2.) Gram Flour Will Help

Another fine ingredient to get rid of dark underarms faster is gram flour. You can use the gram flour to make a natural homemade whitening pack. Gram flour helps in exfoliation and lightening the skin.

  • Take 2 tbsp of gram flour, 1 tsp each of lemon juice and plain yogurt and mix it well. Also, add a little turmeric powder to make a thick paste. Apply this paste on your armpit.
  • Allow it to sit for 30 minutes minimum before rinsing it off with warm water. Continue this remedy daily for 2 weeks. Then do it 3 times a week until you get the desired results.

3.) Scrub With Orange Peel

Orange peel is another effective home remedy to get rid of dark underarms naturally. It is known to have great skin lightening and exfoliating properties that help to reduce the dark underarms. Orange peels work naturally on your skin and helps to prevent the darkness by removing dead skin cells. It also has Vitamin C, which makes it a great anti-oxidant agent. Use this natural home remedy as a scrub for your armpits.

  • Keep some orange peels in the sun for several days until they get dry out fully. Grind these dried peels into fine powder form.
  • Mix 2 tsp of powdered orange peels with sufficient milk and rose water to form a thick paste. Apply this paste under your arms and gently scrub.
  • Allow it to sit for around 10-15 minutes. Finally, rinse off the area thoroughly with cold water. Repeat this process 2 or 3 times a week.

4.) Take The Help From Milk

Milk is known to have some essential Vitamins and fatty acids, which can help in minimizing the darkening of armpits and helps to whiten dark undearms. It also helps soften the skin and make the skin tone much fairer and glowing with regular use.

  • Take 2 tbsp of full fat milk, 1 tbsp flour and 1 tsp of plain yogurt. Mix all the ingredient well to make a thick paste. Apply the paste on your armpit and leave it for 15 minutes.
  • Later, wash it off with cold water and repeat this process several times a week on a regular basis.
  • Alternatively, soak 2-3 strands of saffron in 2 tsp of milk for 15-20 minutes. You can even add a little honey to it. Apply the mixture on your armpit with a cotton ball.
  • Leave it on for about 20-30 minutes before washing it off with water. Repeat this remedy regularly until you see visible results.

5.) Use The Cucumber Effectively

Just like lemon, cucumber also have natural bleaching properties, which are excellent to get rid of dark armpit fast. Cucumbers also helps to help lighten discolored skin such as red spots, black spots, rashes and other blemishes.Cucumber contains skin lightening properties, which are essential for dark underarms. Cucumber is one of the best veggies that will help you to get rid of dark underarms. Use this amazing home remedy to get whiter armpits. It also has the cooling properties.

  • Cut a few slices of cucumber and rub them on your armpit. You can also grate some cucumber and apply its juice under your arms. Repeat this method 1-2 times daily until you get desired results.
  • Alternatively, take some cucumber juice and mix it with some turmeric powder and lemon juice to make a paste. Apply this paste on the affected area and leave it for 30 minutes. Then, wash it off with water and repeat this once daily for best results.

How to Get Rid of Dark Armpits Underarms

6.) Apply The Baking Soda Paste

Baking soda works as a scrub that makes your dark underarms look brighter. Baking soda is an effective exfoliate that helps to remove damage cells and opens the clogged pores. Exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells, which is one of the main reasons behind dark armpit. Baking soda is also effective to unclog skin pores. It also helps heal armpit rashes. It also helps in preventing your body odor. It gives a clean, odor free and brighter underarms. So, now you can avoid using deodorant and antiperspirants, which lead to dark underarms. Use this amazing home remedy to get rid of dark underarms.

  • Mix baking soda with enough water to make a thick paste. Apply this paste to scrub your armpit. Wait for 10 minutes before washing it off.
  • Pat dry the area and repeat this a few times in a week.

7.) Use The Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is another good ingredient lighten dark armpit. It has Vitamin E, which helps improve the tone of the skin. Coconut oil also acts as an effective natural deodorant.

  • Massage coconut oil on the dark armpit.
  • Allow it to sit for 10-15 minutes before washing it off with mild soap and lukewarm water.
  • Repeat this process 2-3 times daily until you see the desired results.

8.) Make The Sandalwood Paste

Sandalwood is one of the most effective ingredients to get rid of dark armpit. It has skin lightening properties and has been in use for centuries to treat numerous skin ailments. Using rose water with it to make a paste will add a softening and cooling effect on the skin. The pleasant smell of sandalwood also helps get rid of odor due to excessive sweating. It also helps to ease the burning sensation caused by harsh skin products on armpits. Sandalwood reduces darkness, fairer skin and it also eliminates body odor due to its fragrance. Use this remedy to get rid of dark underarms.

  • Take 2 tbsp of sandalwood powder and some rose water. Mix them well to make a thick paste. Apply this paste on your armpit.
  • Leave it for 15 minutes or until it dries. Later, rinse it off with cold water. With regular application, this remedy will help lighten the armpit within a few days.

9.) Take Help From Vinegar

Vinegar is another useful ingredient to get rid of dark armpit. This remedy not only helps lighten the skin color but also kills bacteria and germs, which thrive on dead skin cells causing smelly underarm. Here is the method.

  • Take some rice flour and vinegar. Mix them well to form a thick paste. Take a hot shower before applying this paste on your armpit.
  • Leave this paste to dry for about 10-15 minutes. Then, wash it off with warm water and repeat this process several times a week.

10.) Potato Juice Will Help

Potatoes contain mild acids, which help to get rid of dark underarms without any irritation like the lemon. Potato is known as the natural bleaching agent. It makes the dark underarms brighter. Potato is a very helpful and effective home remedy for those who have a sensitive skin. Try this amazing home remedy to get amazing effects. Follow these methods to use this remedy.

  • Take some lukewarm water and 1 medium size potato. Cut the potato into a half piece, then again cut the half piece of potato into thick slices.  Then rub your dark underarms through the thick slices of potato for 10 minutes.
  • Now wash off it with lukewarm water and repeat this procedure regularly until you won’t get satisfactory results.
  • Alternatively, grate the medium size potato completely. Squeeze out the juice from grated potato, then apply this juice on your dark underarms.  Use a cotton ball for applying the potato juice and massage it on the affected area gently. 
  • Wait for 10-15 minutes and then rinse off with water. Follow this procedure at least 2 times a day for faster results.

11.) Apply The Egg Oil

Egg oil is a finest home remedy for skin darkening. It’s easy to use and it gives greater effects for reducing the darkness of skin. It contains omega-3 that helps to make new skin cells that lighten the skin tone and makes it smooth. Use this excellent home remedy to get rid of dark underarms. Methods to use egg oil are.

  • Take some egg oil and  body wash or soap. Apply sufficient amount of egg oil on your dark underarms.Massage your affected area gently and leave it overnight.
  • In the morning rinse it off with body wash or soap and do this daily for best results.

12.) Make Your Own Herbal Treatment

Herbs are the best remedies to prevent dark underarms. Herbal treatment helps to make your underarms smooth and white. Use this herbal treatment to whiten up your dark underarms. Methods to use.

  • Take some aspen, licorice root and raspberry extract. Mix aspen, licorice and raspberry extract into the equal amount.
  • Mix these ingredients well and apply it on your dark underarms. Wait for 25-30 minutes and then wash off with water and pat it dry.
  • Use this remedy daily for effective results until you won’t get results.

13.) Use The Papaya

Papaya contains enzymes that reduces the color of skin tone. It removes dead skin cells and exfoliates the skin that allows skin renewal, which lightens the underarms. Methods to use this remedy.

  • Take a papaya and cut a piece of papaya fruit and rub it on your dark underarms gently. You can also apply the juice of papaya on your dark underarms.
  • Then wait for 15-20 minutes and then wash off with water. Do this process 2-3 times in a week.

14.) Apply The Vitamin E Oil

Vitamin E is also known as the finest remedy for the skin. Vitamin E works effectively for various skin problems such as for stretch marks, scars, spots and even it is an effective remedy for hair fall. Vitamin E not only reduces blackness of dark underarms, it also makes your skin whiter, smoother and softer. Even some doctors recommend vitamin E for skin problems. Use this remedy by following these steps.

  • Take a little vitamin E capsule, or vitamin E oil. Extract the vitamin E oil from a capsule into your hands or you can take vitamin E oil.
  • Apply this oil on your armpits and rub it gently. Wait for 5-10 minutes and then wash off with water.

Other Useful Tips to Prevent Dark Armpits:

  • Don’t shave your underarms. Use wax to remove the hair as it will remove the dead skin cells.
  • Avoid hair removal creams as these creams contain chemicals that can darken your underarms.
  • Don’t use antiperspirants and deodorants because they contain chemicals that can give you rough underarms.
  • If the above remedies will not work then consult your doctor to lighten your underarms.
  • Avoid excessive exfoliation as excessive exfoliation may lead to scarring that result in dark underarms.
  • Don’t wear synthetic and tight clothes because they leads to pigmentation and rashes. Always wear cotton fabrics.
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