Magnesium Rich Foods & Vegetables

This article is about magnesium rich foods and vegetables. There are seven micro minerals that are very important for our body. These micro minerals are potassium, sulfur, chloride, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, and magnesium. Magnesium basically comprises 99% of body’s mineral content. It is an essential mineral to build bones in our body. It also enables our nervous system to work properly. It can treat health-related problems like a headache, asthma, chronic pain, and sleeping disorders effectively. And, even according to the recent studies, this mineral is found to be a great remedy to treat hypertension, heart diseases, and diabetes. So, it is really important to consume magnesium rich foods and vegetables to cure various health problems.

Benefits of Magnesium:

There are various health benefits of magnesium mineral. They are as follows:

  • It helps in preventing pain in different parts of the body. It can easily treat a headache, Fibromyalgia, and muscle spasms.
  • It can treat mental problems like anxiety, depression, and restless leg syndrome. It can also provide great relief in sleeping disorders like insomnia.
  • It can be used to treat health problems like asthma, osteoporosis, and diabetes. It can also help in controlling blood pressure of your body.
  • It can treat major skin problems like acne, psoriasis, and eczema.

Signs of Magnesium deficiency:

Well, here are the symptoms that you may face due to magnesium deficiency.

  • Calcium Deficiency
  • Nausea
  • Anxiety
  • Poor Heart Health
  • There is a higher risk of developing Type II Diabetes due to deficiency of magnesium nutrient in your diet.
  • Dizziness
  • Respiratory Problems
  • Confusion
  • Poor Memory
  • Tremors
  • Weakness
  • Chances of getting high blood pressure.
  • Potassium deficiency
  • Muscle cramps
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty in swallowing foods

Hence, it is really important to get a proper amount of magnesium to our body so that it may perform better. Therefore, we need to consume the magnesium rich foods to prevent magnesium deficiency. Magnesium deficiency may bring a lot of health-related problems in your life. So, consume magnesium rich foods on a regular basis for the proper functioning of the body.

Magnesium Rich Foods & Vegetables

List of Magnesium Rich Foods & Vegetables:


Magnesium is a key mineral that helps a lot with human metabolism that is found in the world healthiest foods. Magnesium is a very important nutrient as it is needed in more than 300 chemical reactions. It is a very important nutrient that is considered very important in transporting calcium in different cell membranes. Well, here is the list of few magnesium rich foods and vegetables that contain the good amount of magnesium content in them.

1.) Brazil Nuts Rich Source of Magnesium

If we talk about brazil nuts, then they basically come from the dense forest of Amazon. These nuts are quite high in calories, but they even contain a good amount of vitamin A nutrient in them. Just half cup of brazil nuts provides 250mg of magnesium that is equivalent to 63% D.V, which serves 459 calories to your diet. Do add this food to your list of magnesium rich foods and vegetables.

2.) Dry Roasted Soybeans High in Magnesium

Soybean contains various health benefits. Even these nutrient-rich legumes are high in fibers, minerals, and amino acids. Just half cup of soybean serves half of the basic requirement of magnesium per day. Soybean contains essential minerals and vitamins that are important for building your bones and muscles. It also helps in keeping your immune system healthy. It plays a major role in keeping your heart beat at a normal rate. Just half cup of dry roasted soybeans provides 196 mg of magnesium that is equivalent to 49% D.V, which serves 405 calories to your diet.

3.) Wild Rice Rich Source for Magnesium

Wild rice is tasty and very healthy for your health. Just one cup of wild rice contains 52 mg of magnesium in it. It is high in various nutrients like zinc, fibers, folate, and iron. You may prepare it by adding it with salmon or cooking it with dried herbs. This is a very healthy food that you must add to your diet. Just one cup of wild rice provides 52 mg of magnesium that is equivalent to 13% D.V, which serves 166 calories to your diet.

4.) Dark Chocolate High in Magnesium

Dark chocolate contains the high amount of calories in it, but still it is considered to be one of the best chocolate as it contains various health benefits. It is good for your nervous system, heart as well as for blood. It even helps in maintaining blood sugar levels. It contains various nutrients like vitamins, minerals and magnesium. Just 1.45 ounce of dark chocolate provides 13 mg of magnesium that is equivalent to 3% D.V, which serves 218 calories to your diet.

5.) Flaxseed Rich Source of Magnesium

Flaxseeds are used for various purposes. They are considered to be one of the healthiest seeds to treat various health problems. They are also considered to be one of the best magnesium rich foods. You may add it to your diet by sprinkling them in different foods and recipes. Just one tablespoon of flaxseeds provides 39 mg of magnesium that is equivalent to 10% D.V, which serves 53 calories to your diet.

6.) Oatmeal High in Magnesium

Oatmeal is considered to be one of the best nuts that can provide several health benefits. It is a great remedy for controlling cholesterol levels of your body. This nut is rich in various nutrients like fibers, antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. Just 3/4th cup of oatmeal provides 47 mg of magnesium mineral that is equivalent to 12% D.V, which serves 124 calories to your diet.

7.) Black-Eyed Peas High in Magnesium

Consuming black eye peas is a very cost-effective option for you. It is a powerhouse of various nutrients like fibers, proteins, potassium, and iron. So, if you want to add magnesium mineral in your diet, then don’t forget to add black-eyed peas in the list of your foods. Just one cup of black eyed peas provides 91 mg of magnesium that is equivalent to 23% D.V, which serves 200 calories to your diet.

8.) Banana Rich Source of Magnesium

Banana is an essential fruit that can treat skin problems like skin tags and facial warts. Moreover, it is also used in preparing hair mask and provide several health benefits when you eat it. It is not only high in potassium, but it also contain a good amount of magnesium in it. Hence, it falls under the list of magnesium rich foods. It also high in various other nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Just one medium size of banana provide 32 mg of magnesium that is equivalent to 8% D.V, which serves 105 calories to your diet.

9.) Yellow Corn High in Magnesium

Corn is very delicious and sweet food that is rich in various nutritious. Just one cup of sweet yellow corn provides half of the daily requirement of magnesium. So, eat one cup of yellow corn on a regular basis as it contains 211 mg of magnesium that is equivalent to 53% D.V, which serves 200 calories to your diet.

10.) Avocado High in Magnesium

Avocado provides various health benefits. It is rich in micro minerals like magnesium and potassium. It also helps in lowering high cholesterol levels and prevents various heart-related diseases. So, add this amazing fruit in your meal. Just one avocado provides 58 mg of magnesium that is equivalent to 15% D.V, which serves 322 calories to your diet.

So, add above foods to your diet for getting the daily requirement of magnesium in your body. This micro mineral is very important for your body, so don’t forget to eat magnesium rich foods and vegetables.

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